Actionable Marketing Guide Newsletter

Published: Mon, 12/07/15

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

Last night marked the beginning of Chanukah, the festival of lights. 

Now lighting candles every night brings light and joy into our home just as the days grow shorter in New York City.  

Like many Jewish holidays, Chanukah has a story at its core. After the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed, only one day’s worth of sacred oil for the eternal flame was found. It lasted for eight. To remember this miracle we light candles each evening for 8 days. 

My favorite story about the holiday is from the time my younger sister and I stayed with my grandmother during Chanukah. My family was moving and it was easier for my parents if we weren’t around.

My grandmother wasn’t very religious. She probably had to buy a menorah, the special eight candle candelabra, just for our visit.

For children, Chanukah means gift giving. So my sister and I were surprised when my grandmother didn’t have any wrapped presents after the candle lighting. We told her that she had to give us each a present. Not to be caught empty handed, my grandmother went to her purse and gave us each some money.

Just as I remember my grandmother at this time of year due to this story, you have stories that help you connect to your family and business. Our Stories help us define and make sense of the world and our place in it.

Take advantage of this holiday season to create new stories about you, your family and your customers.

Put you and your family first since it’s important to appreciate what you have.

This week we interviewed Daniel Lemin the author of ManipuRATED, a guide to how business owners can fight fraudulent online ratings and reviews.

We'll be giving away a free copy of ManipuRATED to one new subscriber. The winner will be announced in next week's newsletter. (details.)
​​​​​​​Our last interview was with Pat Spenner, one of the authors of The Challenger Customer, a fascinating analysis of how business purchase decisions are made by teams and a valuable guide to winning sales by leveraging team dynamics.
The randomly selected winner of a copy of The Challenger Customer is Morgan kasuba. Congratulations, Morgan.
Wishing you and yours the best this holiday season.

Heidi Cohen
Actionable Marketing Guide

Media Marketing World 2016 PromotionSocial Media Marketing World

Join me at Social Media Marketing World this coming Spring in sunny San Diego, California, where I'll be presenting a session on Blogging.

Conference dates are April 17-19, 2016.

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2016 Content Marketing Plan For Success

Posted on November 30, 2015 by Heidi Cohen in Content Marketing

10 Steps Every Content Marketer Must Take In 2016

2016 Content Marketing Plan For SuccessRoughly 80% of businesses will use content marketing in 2016 and beyond. It’s a mature form of marketing.

The 2016 content marketing challenge:

How can your business break through the massive amounts of information to connect with prospects, influencers and customers?

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ManipuRATED – Book Interview

Posted on December 5, 2015 by Heidi Cohen in Competitive StrategySmall Business

manipurated-coverHeidi Cohen interviews Daniel Lemin

Q: What’s your best piece of advice for readers looking to improve their marketing?

Stay connected to your customer. In my book, I show how small businesses are succeeding with online ratings and reviews, and how they put the insights captured on those sites to work as a marketing vessel for their business.

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