Actionable Marketing Guide Newsletter

Published: Mon, 12/14/15

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

The weather in New York City feels more like early fall or spring than the holidays.

I was shopping in Manhattan’s Soho and suburban New Jersey and I was surprised by the lack of holiday spirit.

Don’t get me wrong, the shops were dressed up but there were no customers. It’s like shoppers didn’t get the invitation.

Despite lots of pre-holiday traffic, the most popular place in the mall we visited was the kiddie rides, which edged out Santa.

Every store had sale signs!

Translation: people are buying online and being careful with their buying. 

What does this mean for your 2016 marketing?
  • Have an online presence including  mobile. This is a must-have. Make it easy for your customers to find your physical location or to order via online or voice.

  • Specialize your product offering where possible and/or appropriate. L.L. Bean’s classic hand made boots are hot (again) according to a redheaded high school student I spoke to. His mother had ordered his online and they wouldn’t be delivered until March!

  • Find ways to keep selling your existing customers. The Make-A-Bear Workshop kept customers coming back for more clothes for the toys. 

  • Understand your margins. Yes I know this is math-related but it means the difference between making money and losing money.
Santa Flashmob in Grand Central Terminal. December 12, 2015
If you’re making your 2016 plans, please join me at Social Media Marketing World this coming April.  I’m teaching a course on how to keep your blog content going! The specifics are still a work in progress but the class is going to have fresh new content.

Lastly, I’m thrilled to let you know that I was named one of the top 50 Online Marketing Influencers to Watch in 2016 by Entrepreneur magazine.

Thank you for your support since I’m inspired and motivated to write for you, my audience.

Last week we interviewed Daniel Lemin the author of ManipuRATED, a guide to how business owners can fight fraudulent online ratings and reviews.

We're extending our giveaway for another week. This Saturday, December 19, we'll randomly select one new subscriber to receive a free copy of ManipuRATED. So tell you friends and associates to subscribe to this newsletter.  The winner will be announced next week. (details.)
​Wishing you and yours the best this holiday season.

Heidi Cohen
Actionable Marketing Guide

Media Marketing World 2016 PromotionSocial Media Marketing World

Join me at Social Media Marketing World this coming Spring in sunny San Diego, California, where I'll be presenting a session on Blogging.

Conference dates are April 17-19, 2016.

Register Now And Save!


B2C Social Media Use That May Surprise You

Posted on December 11, 2015 by Heidi Cohen in Social Media

How B2C Marketers Can Improve Social Media Results

Woman carrying BagFor B2C businesses, social media is a key marketing element to attract and engage target audiences.

Social media marketing’s main goals are to raise brand awareness, enter the buying consideration set, and support prospects, customers and fans.

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ManipuRATED – Book Interview

Posted on December 5, 2015 by Heidi Cohen in Competitive StrategySmall Business

manipurated-coverHeidi Cohen interviews Daniel Lemin

Q: What’s your best piece of advice for readers looking to improve their marketing?

Stay connected to your customer. In my book, I show how small businesses are succeeding with online ratings and reviews, and how they put the insights captured on those sites to work as a marketing vessel for their business.

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