Actionable Marketing Guide Newsletter

Published: Mon, 03/14/16

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

In most of the US, we changed our clocks this weekend. On Sunday morning, 2:00 am become 3:00 am.

Poof! There went an hour, gone without a tick.

When I was in university, I loved the fall time change since the bars stayed open an hour longer.

There’s a phrase to help people like me: Spring forward, Fall back.

The Sunday that the time change occurs is a bit confusing. Your sleep and eating are off.
You can use the time change as an opportunity to build new habits. (To better understand habits, I recommend reading Charles Duhigg’s The Power of Habit) As many of you know, I use everyday opportunities to improve my marketing and my life. And you can too!
While you’re getting used to the new earlier time, why not combine it with a new habit?
I suggest writing morning pages. This is a writing exercise. Just as you exercise your body, this exercises your mind. You sit at a pad or a Word document and write for 30 minutes. Just dump what you’re thinking on to the page.
Don’t edit your work or stop to look for the perfect word!
The objective is to clear your mind. It’s not just about becoming a better writer by cranking out content. Rather it takes all of the stuff that’s lurking below the surface of your mind and lets it out.
These words aren’t to be read like a perfectly scripted diary. They’re just for you!
As a side benefit, you’ll get faster at writing your TFUD (aka The First Ugly Draft), regardless of what you’re writing about.
Want more information about morning pages? Read Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way and Lori Goldberg’s Writing Down The Bones.
Writing morning pages is a key element to developing a writing habit.
I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. I’m teaching a workshop at Social Media Marketing World 2016 called “How to Create Quality Content Quickly and Consistently.” (For those of you attending SMMW16, I’d be thrilled if you joined me. The workshop is at 3:00pm on Sunday, April 17th!)
BTW: You can still buy your ticket by clicking here! Or if you can’t afford the travel expense, get a virtual ticket and learn from the experts! Hurry prices increase on Friday, March 18th!)
This week I interviewed Martin Lindstrom, a global branding expert, about his latest book, Small Data: The Tiny Clues That Uncover Huge Trends.

I was delighted and surprised to receive an advance copy in my mailbox with a handwritten letter from Martin. (Who does that any more?)

As an aspiring author and experienced bookseller, I’ve always loved receiving bound galleys. It’s like getting let into a special secret.

With the title, Small Data, I expected another marketing book about how to deal with marketing information. Instead, I found a wonderful personal story about how Martin observes and interacts with people around the world.

Small Data is a personal journey mixed with sociology. This book gets you to think differently about your customers, their lives and how they approach your product. 

One lucky subscriber will be randomly picked to receive a free copy of Small Data. We'll announce the winner in next week's newsletter. Details can be found on our Book Giveaway page.
Last week, ​​​Jay Baer joined me to discuss his latest book, Hug Your Haters. I love how Jay is able to examine the marketing process and distill important elements that enable marketers to do a better job.
Even better, he often creates a new word in the process. Download Jay's infographic, The Hatrix, to get an idea of what he's talking about.
Our randomly picked subscriber who'll receive a free copy of Hug Your Haters is Alan Karp. Congratulations Alan!
Happy marketing,

Heidi Cohen
Actionable Marketing Guide

P.S: If you enjoy reading this email newsletter, perhaps there’s a friend or colleague that you’d like to recommend us to? Please send them this link to our email signup page.
Photo credit: Daniel Novta,​ 

Social Media Marketing World 2016 PromotionSocial Media Marketing World

Join me at Social Media Marketing World this coming Spring in sunny San Diego, California, where I'll be presenting a session on Blogging.

Conference dates are April 17-19, 2016.

Register Now And Save!

Want to attend Social Media Marketing World but don’t have the budget?

Consider buying a virtual ticket. You’ll get all of the sessions without the transportation or hotel costs.  Even better, you can watch them on your schedule! Prices go up on Friday, so buy your ticket today!


The Secret To Reducing Your Content Creation Time

Posted on March 9, 2016 by Heidi Cohen in Content Marketing

How To Republish Existing Content

Do you have cringe-worthy content?

You don’t have to say anything.

It can be our little secret.

You’re not alone. Even top selling and award winning authors have published content they’re not proud of. Continue reading

Small Data – Book Interview

Posted on March 12, 2016 by Heidi Cohen in BrandingMarketing

Heidi Cohen interviews Martin Lindstrom

New book: Small Data: The Tiny Clues That Uncover Huge Trends

Q: What’s your best piece of advice for readers looking to improve their marketing?

We’ve become a non-present generation suffering from phone addiction – an addiction so big that we feel that the phones we have in our pockets are ringing – only to discover that we have no phones in our pockets. I call this the Phantom Vibration Syndrome – and it’s a virus which slowly has removed marketers from reality. I mean when was the last time you spent a day in a random consumers home – just learning about their behaviors and relationship with your brand?

Continue reading