Actionable Marketing Guide Newsletter

Published: Mon, 04/04/16

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

In New York, the change of seasons and holidays is reflected in shop windows.

Maybe it’s that I’m more aware of my surroundings now that I don’t have to plan my routes to minimize my exposure to the cold.

Maybe it’s the freedom from boots and heavy layers of clothing.

Maybe it’s the need to feel the sunshine on my face.

But I find myself magically lured to spend time examining neighborhood shop windows for products I don’t usually buy.

I’m not talking about the wonderful Statue of Liberty built with colorful blocks in Lego’s Fifth Avenue store. Lego doesn’t need help pulling visitors into this prime real estate location.

Rather, I’m referring to smaller establishments. For example, Eataly’s wine shop created a fun Easter vista, a bunny made out of corks. Talk about incorporating your product into fun visuals. As local merchants, they didn’t stop there. They knew the cork bunny would attract attention. They added a small sign with their hashtag.
They knew passersby couldn’t resist photographing it and sharing it on social media. They ensured their name accompanied the images.
Similarly Fishes Eddy, a store that sells New York themed, kitsch housewares showcased politically themed cups. Newsjacking meets products. Inside the store, they had a bulletin board where customers could leave their comments. They know their customers since there weren’t any Republican mugs. 
Real estate, especially in places like New York, is expensive. If you’ve got a physical store, how do you get more marketing mileage from your window and shop?

If you’re attending Social Media Marketing World 2016, please join me on Sunday, April 17th for my workshop entitles, “How to Create Quality Blog Posts Quickly and Consistently”. Sign up to be sure of getting a seat!  There’s no extra cost.

Alternatively, get your virtual pass to Social Media Marketing World 2016. It’ll save you a bundle on travel expense!
There’s no new author interview this week. But stay tuned. Chris Guillebeau takes the hot seat next Saturday.
​​​​​​​Last week, I interviewed Tim Sanders. His latest book, Dealstorming, has been described as “a Swiss Army knife for today’s toughest sales challenges.”

One lucky subscriber will be randomly picked to receive a free copy of Dealstorming. Deadline for new entries is April 9. See the Book Giveaway page for details.

And check out Tim's previous best-seller, Life Is the Killer App.

Happy marketing,

Heidi Cohen
Actionable Marketing Guide

P.S: If you enjoy reading this email newsletter, perhaps there’s a friend or colleague that you’d like to recommend us to? Please send them this link to our email signup page.

Social Media Marketing World 2016 PromotionSocial Media Marketing World

Join me at Social Media Marketing World this coming Spring in sunny San Diego, California, where I'll be presenting a session on Blogging.

Conference dates are April 17-19, 2016.

Register Now And Save!

Want to attend Social Media Marketing World but don’t have the budget?

Consider buying a virtual ticket. You’ll get all of the sessions without the transportation or hotel costs.  Even better, you can watch them on your schedule! Prices go up on Friday, so buy your ticket today!


Content Curation Grows Up: What You Need To Know

Posted on March 29, 2016 by Heidi Cohen in Content CurationContent Marketing

Content Curation Joins The Content Marketing Team

If content marketing is a teenager who’s left home, then content curation is its ever-present romantic attachment.

Like teenage love, content curation holds a strong sway over content marketing. That’s what happens when you’re in love.

Content curation may never reach content marketing’s prominence. But it’s increasingly important to your overall content marketing strategy. It’s not just something that’s nice to have. (Note: The Week and John Oliver’s This Week Tonight focus solely on curated content.) Continue reading

Do Blogs Still Matter For Your Business Strategy? You Betcha!

Posted on March 31, 2016 by Heidi Cohen in BloggingContent MarketingSocial Media

5 Steps To Make Your Blog The Jewel In Your Marketing Crown

While they had their moment in the marketing sun, do blogs still matter?

Blogs experienced that endorphin-producing first blush of love. Like a teenager, blogs first flirted with search, then with social media and most recently with content marketing. Continue reading

Dealstorming – Book Interview

Posted on March 26, 2016 by Heidi Cohen in B2B Marketing, Sales

Heidi Cohen interviews Tim Sanders

New book: DealstormingThe Secret Weapon That Can Solve Your Toughest Sales Challenges

Q: What’s your best piece of advice for readers looking to improve their marketing?

Reach out to sales leaders and offer to partner with them on their sales challenges. The earlier you can get involved in the “deal team” the more you can bring to the table.

As you partner with sales, you’ll gain better intelligence from the field, which can only assist you in your marketing research, planning and execution.

Continue reading