Actionable Marketing Guide Newsletter

Published: Mon, 06/06/16

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

I am surprised by how moved I am by Muhammad Ali’s death.

I find myself glued to the news reports and commentary on his life. It reminds me of how I watched television endlessly in the days following 9/11.

Like my dad, Muhammad Ali was larger than life.

Yes Ali was a boxer.

But more importantly he was a fighter.

Not just in the boxing ring but in life.

Not only for himself but also for those who didn’t have his gifts and abilities.

Ali did it for the issues he believed mattered.

Muhammad Ali crossed through the ropes of the boxing ring. He crossed the lines of humanity.

Ali was a Negro then a black man then an African American, then a man of the world.  Yet we never saw the color of his skin. We stood in awe of him.

Ali was an American. Ali became a citizen of the world.

Ali became a Muslim. Ali became a man of God.

Ali chose his path in life.  Ali took to the media ring for his principles. He objected to the Vietnam War knowing this stand could cost him his boxing career because he believed.

What do you believe?

What small steps can you take to make a difference? What can you do help to those around you and those in the world beyond?

Ali understood how to live.

What will you choose? How will you live?

Thank you for your attention.

Next week, we’ll be back with our marketing advice.

Until then, give some thought to how you want to live your life. I know I am. I hope you’ll join me.

Dream big.

Happy marketing,

Heidi Cohen

​​​​​​​P.S: If you enjoy reading this email newsletter, perhaps there’s a friend or colleague that you’d like to recommend us to? Please send them this link to our email signup page.

Muhammad Ali image source:   License: CC BY-SA 3.0

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