Actionable Marketing Guide Newsletter

Published: Mon, 06/20/16

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

Happy Belated Father’s Day!

Even if you’re not a dad, chances are that you have one.

Regardless of how you felt about your dad, chances are you learned some pretty important things from him. It’s a good time to think about how your father influenced you.

My dad was 6’5”. He towered above me. When I was small, he seemed even bigger. I didn’t realize how much my dad’s sheer physical size had an impact on how I thought about him.

Added to this, he had a big voice. Everything he said had authority.

The combination made him a force to be reckoned with. 

This could be really helpful at times, especially if there was a problem with a teacher.

But, it took me years to figure out that, despite his big presence, my dad was a loving, kind man. The woman who grew up across the street from us called my dad “the gentle giant.”

You’re probably wondering what this means for your marketing, beyond making Father’s Day part of your promotional calendar.

Don’t worry.

There’s a marketing lesson here.

As a marketer, you can’t assume that you know your audience. Like my first memories of my dad, you may not have the full picture.

This is even truer if you’re also a buyer of your product. You’re only one customer. Your perspective isn’t representative. In fact, it may be an outlier.

Take the time to get to know your audience. Go beyond your customers. Include prospects, influencers and fans.  Where possible, engage with them directly.

Also talk to your former customers. Find out why they stopped buying from your organization.

At a minimum, get input from your frontline staff including sales and customer service.

Then create a marketing persona for each of your major audiences.

​​​​​​​This week we have an interview with University of Pennsylvania Professor Jonah Berger bestselling author of Contagious. His new book, Invisible Influence, just came out this week. Professor Berger’s work is well worth your time to read.

I’ve written about Professor Berger’s research on the Actionable Marketing Guide. If you'd like a taste, start with:

You’ll see why I’m a big fan!

We'll be giving away one copy of Invisible Influence to a new subscriber. So, tell all your friends and colleagues. The deadline is June 25th , 2016 and the winner will be announced in next week's newsletter. (details).

Happy marketing,
Heidi Cohen

​​​​​​​P.S: If you enjoy reading this email newsletter, perhaps there’s a friend or colleague that you’d like to recommend us to? Please send them this link to our email signup page.

photos: copyright 2016 Heidi Cohen.

If you wanted to attend Social Media Marketing World last month but couldn't, consider buying a Virtual Pass. You'll get full recordings of all the sessions. It's the next best thing to being there IRL.


Social Media Blogging: 4 Reasons Your CMO Needs

Blogging Alive and Kicking At The Center Of Your Marketing

Social media blogging doesn’t get respect any more.

Even though 59.3 million new WordPress blog posts are published each month.

This number doesn’t include blog posts on Blogger buried deep in Google or on Tumblr languishing in Yahoo’s portfolio.

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13 Content Marketing Secrets I Learned From My Dad

Father’s Day Content Marketing Lessons

Content marketing runs in my family.

My dad was a big New York City publisher.

Before you think New York Times or Daily News, let me clarify. My dad was physically big. He was 6’5”.

Rather, my dad ran a local weekly newspaper in Queens called The Leader-Observer. It’s still in print!

His content focus was hyper-local. 

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Invisible Influence – Book Interview

Heidi Cohen Interviews Jonah Berger

New book: Invisible Influence: The Hidden Forces that Shape Behavior

Q: What’s your best piece of advice for readers looking to improve their marketing?

To be a successful marketer, you have to understand social influence. People don’t make their own choices. They make choices based on what the people around them are doing. So to succeed you have to understand how influence works.

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A Blueprint for Content Marketing Success

84% of marketers plan to increase their content marketing spend over the next 5 years but less than half have any real confidence such content investments are paying off.

Customers delay contact with Sales until they are 57% of the way through the purchase process, which means content must grab customers’ attention and drive purchase intent early on.

It's important to choose the right strategy because if Marketers are not connecting with customers through content, they may not connect with them at all.

This latest research report from CEB shows Marketers how to consistently create content grounded in differentiated insights that customers and prospects will value.

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