Actionable Marketing Guide Newsletter

Published: Mon, 06/27/16

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

It’s the week before Fourth of July, a long weekend in the US.

It’s hot and humid in New York City. No one wants to work.

Summer is beckoning... You can hear the beach calling your name. (Of course, this assumes that you’re a beach lover like me.)

Contrary to what most people think, the summer is one of the best times to get work done.

Think about it for a minute. You’re in your nice air conditioned office. Your boss is away on vacation. She’s not on your case for the latest corporate fire drill.

Your officemates are also out. They’ve got family commitments or out-of-town weddings. They’re not dropping in to give their perspective about the latest office gossip.

Bottom line: You can actually do deep work. You can think.

Guess what else?

The summer is the best time to network.

You can get through to people who are usually difficult to call. Why? Their assistant is on vacation as is a lot of your competition for their attention. Also, these executives are more amenable to make appointments since they’re in a different frame of mind.

Instead of hopping on the first train out of town, spend some time outlining what you want to accomplish this summer.

Go on.

Make appointments with yourself to get the projects you want done in process.

List those people you want to connect with. 

The first steps are the hardest.

In case you’re thinking that I don’t walk the talk, I’ve been outlining the book that I’m starting to write. This week I’m going to break it into sections to ensure that I can get it finished.

What are you going to do this summer? Who is holding you accountable?

We don’t have a new author interview this week. But I'd like to take this opportunity to recommend Jonah Berger’s new book, Invisible Influence.

I’m part way through the book. It's a great read with lots of useful information and keen insights for understanding your audience.

Read my interview with Jonah Berger on the Actionable Marketing Guide. And check out his first book, Contagious: Why Things Catch On.

As we promised last week, we are giving a copy of Invisible Influence to a new subscriber. Congratulations Kamilo. You're the one we picked!

Happy marketing,
Heidi Cohen

​​​​​​​P.S: If you enjoy reading this email newsletter, perhaps there’s a friend or colleague that you’d like to recommend us to? Please send them this link to our email signup page.


If you wanted to attend Social Media Marketing World last April but couldn't make it to San Diego, consider buying a Virtual Pass. You'll get full recordings of all the sessions. It's the next best thing to having been there IRL.


5 Social Media Content Formats Your Business Needs

How To Reel In Your Target Audience On Social Media

Like a hungry teenager, social media always wants more content.

To attract an audience on social media, you need to know your prospects, customers, influencers and social media followers. Ideally create a social media persona.

At a minimum, answer the following 5 questions about your target audience:

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Blog Community: 5 Types of People Your Blog Needs

Why Your Blog Needs A Community

Say community to most bloggers and they automatically think: email list.

It’s the way we’re been programmed as bloggers. Your email list is the goal. It’s your blog asset.

But what I mean when I say your blog takes a community is more akin to Hillary Clinton’s statement that it takes a village to raise a child.

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Invisible Influence – Book Interview

Heidi Cohen Interviews Jonah Berger

New book: Invisible Influence: The Hidden Forces that Shape Behavior

Q: What’s your best piece of advice for readers looking to improve their marketing?

To be a successful marketer, you have to understand social influence. People don’t make their own choices. They make choices based on what the people around them are doing. So to succeed you have to understand how influence works.

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Get Ahead with Facebook Dynamic Ads

Your e-commerce guide to Facebook

With more than 1.65 billion monthly active users, Facebook is still the #1 social network in the world, with users spending an average of 6 hours 45 minutes on it a month.

Facebook hasn’t lost time in getting involved in the e-commerce landscape by increasing its projects, of which the latest are creating a "Buy" button (2014) and the launch of a new advertising format for merchants, Dynamic Ads (2015). The social network currently represents 64% of global social platform turnover and dominates the social commerce sector. Facebook has also been quick to strengthen its market position, by expanding its social ecosystem with the acquisition of mobile applications like Instagram (2012) and WhatsApp (2014).

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Here, at the Actionable Marketing Guide, using OptinMonster has resulted in a dramatic increase in subscriptions for this newsletter and other marketing projects.


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