Actionable Marketing Guide Newsletter

Published: Mon, 08/21/17

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

Greetings from a summery New York City!

With deadlines looming for Content Marketing World, I was head down in deep work mode. (Checkout Deep Work by Cal Newport for more info.)

I was making progress when I reached for my coffee without looking and my hand missed the cup sending the milky mixture across the desk.

While I moved fast to get my computer out of sugary danger, some still got to its insides. Good techie that he is, my husband rushed to the rescue and tried to coax my machine back to life.

He was able to get the computer shut off safely. It even restarted allowing him to get a full backup before checking it out further. (BTW—If you don’t backup up your computer to either a hard drive or the cloud, you’re at risk for loosing all of your computer’s contents.)

Once the backup was finished my husband ran some tests and delivered the bad news—the keyboard wasn’t working. More precisely it was no longer communicating in English. Rather it left a trail of undistinguishable characters.

So my husband packed up my computer and headed over to Mike’s Tech Shop, a small sliver of a store off Sixth Avenue. It’s our first choice when we have a computer problem since they’ve saved our machines multiple times. (Note: We don't do Windows here.)

There are 2 skinny tables with brand smacking new Apple computers and tablets in the front. Further back is a big square table where technical experts handle customer issues and examine computers like skilled doctors.

Anthony waited on my husband and my sick computer. They decided that it needed a professional keyboard cleaning to start with.  This wasn’t a problem but the 2 week wait was. 

It’s an Apple issue. Once your Apple device needs care, it’s on the clock. It doesn’t matter if you go to Apple or an authorized dealer they’re keeping it until it’s fixed. As a result, you’re out of luck if it’s your only machine. Unlike a car dealer, you don’t get a loaner.

I discovered this a couple of years ago when my computer needed a new hard drive. I was on the phone with Apple for over an hour!

While I could use an external keyboard and mouse, my coffee washed MacBook Air’s laptop functionality was limited.  Since it was a 6 year old computer, we decided to replace it and then have it repaired as a backup.

We didn’t walk out of Mike’s Tech Shop or check our smartphones to select a new computer. We knew we were going to buy another MacBook so why not buy it from the store that came through for us on several occasions?

It was a no brainer.

While Anthony and my husband leaned towards the 2017 model MacBook Pro. I didn’t like the lack of ports I was used to. That can be important when you're on the road. But they did have one 2015 model left with the same power as the 2017 model. All it needed was a bigger hard drive, a job that required 3 days.

But Tech Mac Shop had it ready by 3pm the next day!

Would we recommend Mike’s Tech Shop?

You betcha!

This is how a small computer repair shop stays in business even though it’s located near a number of white Apple stores. It’s also a few short blocks from a Best Buy. It’s spelled: S-E-R-V-I-C-E.

BTW—When Mike’s Tech Shop first opened, there was a much bigger Mac store in the neighborhood across from the Best Buy, but it went out of business 6 months ago.

Of course, a  location near a lot of New York City startups and design shops that live on Apple computers helps.

When it comes to computer repairs, people want to talk to a human being in English and feel that the person can fix their machine. Mike’s Tech Shop delivers. Their staff is knowledgeable and calm when your machine's having problems.

As a small business, promise what’s required, not the kitchen sink, and give yourself enough time to get the work done. Remember Murphy isn’t your friend—whatever can go wrong will go wrong.

BTW—It’s 2 weeks until Content Marketing World and I’m so psyched. If you’re going to be there, please consider attending my workshop on Interactive Content Marketing, it’s a white hot topic. There’s still time to sign up If you haven’t already.

Happy Marketing

Heidi Cohen
Actionable Marketing Guide

P.S. Don’t forget to register for Content Marketing World! (BTW—Please let me know if you’ll be in Cleveland.)

P.P.S. If you’re a B2B marketer, consider attending MarketingProfs B2B Forum in Boston. It’s one of my favorite conferences. It’s small and fun because Ann Handley is the hostess with the mostest (by far). Also, they get an unusual lineup of speakers.

P.P.P.S. Okay I’m getting carried away but I’ve registered for Social Media Marketing World 2018 and you should too. This year Mike Stelzner has expanded social media to include content creation. If you’re a content creator, they’ve even got a discounted option (albeit more limited!)


Are You Crushing Your Business Social Media Use?

How To Use Social Media To Drive Business Success [Research]

How To Use Social Media To Drive Business SuccessDoes your business social media use support and grow your company?

Specifically, is your social media investment including personnel, agencies, content creation, advertising and technology yielding a positive return?

Not sure? Continue reading

Content Marketing World Authors

Interviews with Content Marketing World Presenters

Interviews with Content Marketing World PresentersBooks are the ultimate long form content marketing.

They’re educational information audiences actively seek.

No one knows this better than the Content Marketing World authors!

Professionals often write books to establish their authority and influence. My husband discovered this when he wrote the first book on HTML.

Continue reading​​​​​​​

Ultimate Content Marketing Distribution Checklist

60+ Ways To Maximize Your Content Distribution

60+ Ways To Maximize Your Content DistributionFace reality: Without at least minimal content marketing distribution, no one will know about your lovingly created masterpiece.

Except possibly your boss and your mother, a pair that isn’t necessarily the best combination to deliver maximum content marketing reach.

Even worse your content has no chance of going viral because no one knows about it. As a result they can’t talk about it or share it. Continue reading

HYPERGROWTH – Book Interview

Heidi Cohen Interviews David Cancel

HYPERGROWTH – Book coverQ: What’s your best piece of advice for readers looking to improve their marketing?

My best piece of advice for readers looking to improve their marketing: Never forget that every single marketing activity that you do—every blog post, every Instagram photo, every tweet, every conversation—is a reflection of your brand.

Everything you do in marketing contributes to the overall experience your customers and potential customers have with your company. So if what you’re doing in marketing isn’t making that experience better, it might not be worth doing.

Continue reading


CMWorld 2017

Content Marketing World is the one event where you can learn and network with the best and the brightest in the content marketing industry.

You will leave with all the materials you need to take a content marketing strategy back to your team – and – to implement a content marketing plan that will grow your business and inspire your audience.

Please join me at Content Marketing World 2017  in Cleveland this September 5-8. It's the standout event for the people who want to be where the top marketers are, make face-to-face connections and learn the latest trends. 

Register now! Use our promo code Heidi100 for additional savings.

MarketingProfs B2B Forum 2017
MarketingProfs B2B Forum 2017

MarketingProfs B2B forum is one of my favorite conferences of the year. Join me in Boston, October 3-5, 2017, for an exciting program and fun events. Register now with my promo code: AMPLIFY1717  to save $100.

​​​​​​​Social Media Marketing World 2018Social Media Marketing World 2018 is just around the corner (February 28 - March 2, 2018, at the San Diego Convention Center.)

Brought to you by Social Media Examiner, this is the conference for anyone wanting to learn how to make the most of social media and meet the companies and experts in the field.

Join me at this exciting event. Register now and save. Don't delay – prices go up every Friday!


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Photo credits: Mike's Tech Shop, Heidi Cohen & Larry Aronson