Actionable Marketing Guide Newsletter

Published: Mon, 09/18/17

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

New York has been steamy and sticky due to the humidity.

But that didn’t stop me from venturing out to participate in NYC’s Annual Yarn Crawl, a citywide yarn shopping event that small retailers can learn from.

While many retailers in a specific vertical consider themselves frememies at best, targeted shopping events allow everyone to increase their sales.

By making the yarn crawl into a bigger event, the participating yarn stores encourage shopping. I should point out that yarnies always have room for one more yarn purchase especially when there’s additional benefits of shopping, namely treats, discounts and prize drawings.

Even though many knitters and crocheters have their favorite shops, they buy elsewhere for a variety of reasons. The yarn crawl attracts shoppers living in the burbs to make an event out of trekking around the city in search of yarn finds.

On our way back uptown from Downtown Yarns on the Lower East Side, we stopped at Warehouse Wines & Spirits in Greenwich Village. Inside we experienced another form of retail partnerships.

We stopped to taste some local craft absinthe, made in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn. (My husband had never tasted absinthe, it was banned in the USA until 2007 reportedly for it's hallucinogenic effects.)

Doc Herson, the owner, had a small table set up with his 3 different flavors and mixers, specifically ginger beer and root beer to entice tasters who might consider the 132 proof beverage a bit intense.

Building a market for a drink that hasn’t been on liquor store shelves for decades is a slow process. As a result, Doc Herson bottles the drink in small bottles just above airline size that retail for $12.99 each.

BTW—It’s not just my neighborhood stores that run fun partnerships!

In the lobby of the Westin Hotel on main check-in day for Content Marketing World, Kate and Rachel from Cleveland's Piccadilly Creamery offered freshly made gelato with toppings and popcorn. What a great welcome!

Ask yourself how you can partner with other businesses for mutual benefit.

Marketing conference season is full swing! I’m preparing for MarketingProfs B2B Forum in Boston where I’m talking about, The Inside Scoop on 3 Proven Steps to Amplify and Distribute B2B Content. I’m totally excited! It’s a new talk and I’ve got some great insights lined up.

For those of you celebrating the Jewish New Year this week, I want to wish you a very happy holiday.

Happy Marketing

Heidi Cohen
Actionable Marketing Guide

P.S. For those of you who plan ahead, now's the time to get your ticket for Social Media Marketing World 2018 this coming March. If it’s too big an investment consider getting a creator’s pass (which includes my session on blogging.) Act now and save! The current promotional sale ends September 22. 


Content Marketing World 2017 Lessons That Will Make You A Better Marketer

How To Transform Your In-Person Event Into Memorable Content

Content Marketing World 2017 Lessons That Will Make You A Better MarketerWhile content marketing continues to gain increased marketing attention standing out in today’s information stream is difficult, if not impossible.

Content Marketing Institute’s Robert Rose put it best: “Your job [as a marketer] is to break through the BS!” Continue reading

Killing Marketing – Book Interview

Heidi Cohen Interviews Joe Pulizzi

New book: Killing Marketing: How Innovative Businesses Are Turning Marketing Cost Into Profit

Killing MarketingQ: What’s your best piece of advice for readers looking to improve their marketing?

So many marketers are out there creating more and more content…and to what end? Most of them are going for short-term engagement and web traffic, which don’t build assets.

Remember, the asset is not the content you create, it’s the audience you build from the content. So my advice is to focus on building audiences that opt-in to your messaging, where you have an opportunity to build a loyal, trusted relationship with them over time. If possible, do this using email subscription over social media subscription (which you have no control over).

Once you build a loyal audience, you have the opportunity to monetize that relationship in up to 10 different ways.

Continue reading

Top Marketing Books: Educate Yourself!

Top Marketers Recommend Favorite Marketing Books

Marketing Books: Educate Yourself!As a marketer and professor, I’m often asked, “What are the top marketing books I need to read?”

I’m also asked, ”What top marketing books should I recommend my boss or team read?”

Continue reading


What To Do When Facebook Engagement Declines [Research]

10 Marketing Tactics To Improve Your Facebook Engagement

What To Do When Facebook Engagement DeclinesYIKES! Facebook engagement has lost 20+% since January 2107!

BuzzSumo data analysis by Steve Rayson confirms what you’ve been experiencing: Lower organic Facebook engagement.

Facebook engagement has been a key driver of the company’s revenues and valuation since it went public in 2012Continue reading


MarketingProfs B2B Forum 2017
MarketingProfs B2B Forum 2017

MarketingProfs B2B forum is one of my favorite conferences of the year. Join me in Boston, October 3-5, 2017, for an exciting program and fun events. Register now with my promo code: AMPLIFY1717  to save $100.

​​​​​​​Social Media Marketing World 2018Social Media Marketing World 2018 is just around the corner (February 28 - March 2, 2018, at the San Diego Convention Center.)

Brought to you by Social Media Examiner, this is the conference for anyone wanting to learn how to make the most of social media and meet the companies and experts in the field.

Join me at this exciting event. Don't delay – register by Friday and save $540!

  • Heidi Cohen participated in Aaron Orendorff’s massive update to his post: How To Network At A Conference

    This article is a lesson not only in how to gain recognition at a conference but also how to transform existing content into massive content.

  • Heidi Cohen was among the Top 50 Women In Content Marketing. W00t! Hat tip to Lee Odden and his Top Rank Marketing team for compiling this along with Traackr.
    Top 50 Women In Content Marketing

  • Heidi Cohen was tapped to talk about low cost local small business marketing on Aadly blog. It’s worthwhile advice you can use from 9 influencers.

  • Heidi Cohen also participated in a Content Marketing Institute round up post on key content marketing hires. My favorite was Jay Acunzo: Chief Common Sense Officer.

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Downorld Yarns photo copyright © TimeOut Magazine.
Doc Herson's goods photo by Larry Aronson