Actionable Marketing Guide Newsletter

Published: Tue, 09/05/17

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

Watching the biblical level rains in Houston and surrounding areas has been both heartbreaking and inspiring at the same time.

People of all sizes, shapes and backgrounds have been forced to leave their homes with the clothes on their backs and their memories.

Ordinary people used their personal small boats and other water transportation to rescue neighbors and people they don’t know. They are the true heroes of this storm.

Unable to get through the normal emergency lines, people stuck in their homes resorted to social media and other unconventional communications to get help.

One man called his local fast food company for an order and help. He and his wife were picked up on an employee’s jetski.

What has been most striking has been the calm and orderly way people entered shelters and tried to find some normalcy. This woman shared her voice to inspire those around her. It’s no surprise that this video when viral. 

I'm moved by these people acting without thinking about themselves or their prejudices.

After watching the hatred and divisiveness that still survives in Charlottesville and elsewhere in this great country of mine, I’ve been saddened beyond words about Heather Heyer’s death. A woman I never knew whose life was cut short by the hatred of people she never knew.

Yet the people of Houston showed a nation that we’re made of stronger stuff.

They represent the best in my fellow Americans. They stand up without waiting to be called upon and do what needs to be done without thinking about their political or personal views.

Remember that beyond being marketers, we’re human beings with lives and loved ones we care about. Events like Hurricane Harvey make us realize what’s most important in life.

By comparison, anything else I’d discuss would feel incredibly mundane. 

That said, I’m on my way to Cleveland with my orange packed prepared to teach a classroom full of content marketers how to use interactive content.

If you’re at Content Marketing World, please look for my orange beret and let me know that you’re an Actionable Marketing Guide reader. BTW—There are still opportunities for those of you in the Cleveland vicinity to attend or just get an exhibit hall pass. 

Happy Marketing

Heidi Cohen
Actionable Marketing Guide

P.S. If you’re a B2B marketer, consider attending MarketingProfs B2B Forum in Boston. It’s one of my favorite conferences. It’s small and fun because Ann Handley is the hostess with the mostest (by far). Also, they get an unusual lineup of speakers.

P.P.S. Okay I’m getting carried away but I’m speaking at Social Media Marketing World 2018 and you should Join me. This year Mike Stelzner has expanded social media to include content creation. If you’re a content creator, they’ve even got a discounted option (albeit more limited!)


What To Do When Facebook Engagement Declines [Research]

10 Marketing Tactics To Improve Your Facebook Engagement

What To Do When Facebook Engagement DeclinesYIKES! Facebook engagement has lost 20+% since January 2107!

BuzzSumo data analysis by Steve Rayson confirms what you’ve been experiencing: Lower organic Facebook engagement.

Facebook engagement has been a key driver of the company’s revenues and valuation since it went public in 2012Continue reading

The Ultimate Guide To Contact Us Functionality and Forms

Do You Allow Visitors To Contact You?

The Ultimate Guide To Contact Us Functionality and FormsHelp—I want to talk to someone at your company.

Before you laugh, ask your mother to contact someone at your firm (without using her speed dial to your direct line).

This isn’t a marketing joke with a great punch line about your mother. (I respect mothers, mine included!) Continue reading

Content Marketing World Authors

Interviews with Content Marketing World Presenters

Interviews with Content Marketing World PresentersBooks are the ultimate long form content marketing.

They’re educational information audiences actively seek.

No one knows this better than the Content Marketing World authors!

Professionals often write books to establish their authority and influence. My husband discovered this when he wrote the first book on HTML.

Continue reading​​​​​​​

In the US, Back-To-School shopping season is going strong. It’s particularly noticeable in my neighborhood that is a shopping destination for NYU, New School, FIT and other college students.
During July through September 2016 shoppers spent an average of $160 per visit and made an average of 16 shopping trips according to NPD. Their purchases went beyond the usual school needs and included clothes and other necessities.
Further, NPD’s website is worth looking at for its interactive appeal. 

MarketingProfs B2B Forum 2017
MarketingProfs B2B Forum 2017

MarketingProfs B2B forum is one of my favorite conferences of the year. Join me in Boston, October 3-5, 2017, for an exciting program and fun events. Register now with my promo code: AMPLIFY1717  to save $100.

​​​​​​​Social Media Marketing World 2018Social Media Marketing World 2018 is just around the corner (February 28 - March 2, 2018, at the San Diego Convention Center.)

Brought to you by Social Media Examiner, this is the conference for anyone wanting to learn how to make the most of social media and meet the companies and experts in the field.

Join me at this exciting event. Register now and save. Don't delay – prices go up every Friday!

  • Heidi Cohen was referenced in a fun article by Aaron Orendorff published on Content Marketing World. This article is well worth your time, providing insights into how to create content at a conference without being a speaker.

  • Heidi Cohen was tapped to talk about low cost local small business marketing on Aadly blog. It’s worthwhile advice you can use from 9 influencers.

  • Heidi Cohen also participated in a Content Marketing Institute round up post on key content marketing hires. My favorite was Jay Acunzo: Chief Common Sense Officer.

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Smartphone eclipse photo by Larry Aronson