Holiday Marketing Tips You Can Still Implement

Published: Mon, 11/13/17

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

A belated salute to our US veterans!

Although my dad’s olive green sergeant’s jacket hung from a beam in the attic, my siblings and I grew up without really understanding what he did in the military.

My father was part of the Signal Corps in London during World War II so his work was covered under the War Secrets Act. As a result, he never spoke about his service until 50 years later when the movie, Saving Private Ryan, came out.

When I ran marketing for Bertelsmann’s Military Book Club, I was fortunate to be able to tap into my dad’s military experience. He created content marketing for our print catalogs in the form of book reviews!

Cold weather blew into New York City this week causing the Ginko tree on our block to shed its yellow fan shaped leaves carpeting the sidewalk.

With the blustery weather, New Yorkers wrapped themselves in woolens. Winter styles finally came out of the closet.

Maybe it was the drop in temperatures that pushed shoppers and tourists out. Billed as the world’s largest department store with a footprint a city block square, Macy’s welcomed tourists just as Galleries Layfayette had welcomed us in Paris a year ago.

As we cut through the store to stay warm, signs targeted at tourists were visible. In the process, we passed a couple taking a selfie. If you’re a retailer, use this couple as inspiration. 

Actionable Marketing Tip:

  • Set up a place in your store where shoppers can take selfies to post on Facebook and Instagram.

There are still 2 weeks until Post-Thanksgiving sales officially kick off the holiday shopping season. But at 7:00pm Saturday, West 34th Street was jam-packed with shoppers between Fifth and Seventh Avenues.

From a retail perspective:

People = Lines = Sales (Ka-ching, ka-ching, ka-ching)

But this week’s actionable marketing tip is from my favorite local knitting store, Knitty City. Owner Pearl Chin invited a local small-batch indie yarn dyer to promote her wares.

The indie dyer took over the front table where she displayed her yarn and engaged shoppers as they entered the shop.

This partnership was a win-win! In addition to more sales, Knitty City expanded its offering without investing in additional inventory while the indie dyer got to expand her reach to a broader audience who might otherwise never find out about her. And, knitters are always ready to buy an extra skein of special yarn if you give them a good reason.

As an astute marketer, here’s how you can use this partnership idea.

  • If you’ve got a base of prospects and customers, assess related products your audience might be interested in that you don’t offer. Reach out to quality sources to assess partnership potential. Before offering these products, test them out to ensure that they’re on a par with your offering.

  • If you offer a product that needs a broader audience, make a list of potential partners who serve your idea customers. Test out their purchase process to ensure that it’s aligned with yours. It helps if they already sell other people’s products.

In either case, you’re seeking a win-win situation like Knitty City.


Holiday Content Marketing Tips

If you’re a content creator or a social media marketer, please join me at Social Media Marketing World 2018  (affiliate link) in San Diego 2/28 - 3/2. I’ll be speaking about Content Creation.

Heidi at Social Media Marketing World

This year you have a wider choice of attendance options.

  • Full Live Conference Pass. Allows you entry to all of the sessions and parties. It’s the traditional offering. This is good for people interested in social media who want all the networking benefits of the parties and gatherings.

  • Content Creator. Is tailored to content creators. Its lower price point helps content creators on a budget. It limits your attendance to creation sessions (including mine) and the general sessions.

  • Virtual pass. Gives you all of the conference content from the comfort of your computer. You don’t need to leave home. It saves you on travel as well as other live expenses.

Are there marketing topics that you’d like me to discuss?

If so, hit respond and let me know about them.

Happy Marketing

Heidi Cohen
Actionable Marketing Guide


What Is Content Amplification (Including 30+ Content Amplification Tools)

What Is Content AmplificationExecuted well, content amplification gives your content an exponential boost propelling it to yield above average results.

Content amplification focuses on reaching the maximum possible audience before you start your full content distribution.

We’ll explain what content amplification is and how to integrate it into your content marketing strategy. Additionally, we’ll examine 30+ content amplification tools and provide 5 actionable content amplification tactics

Continue reading

Fortune 500 Business Social Media Use: What Your Peers Are Doing [Research]

Fortune 500 Business Social Media UseTo remain competitive with your peers and market leaders, your business social media use requires resources, budget and people.

Over the last 9 years, social media has evolved from free media platforms used mainly by small businesses and solopreneurs to achieve David-like results into full-fledged media entities.

As such, they’re a key element of marketing and corporate communications strategy. 

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Guest Post Content Marketing: How To Build Your Business Without Pay-To-Play Tactics

Guest Post Content MarketingNeed to build your brand, thought leadership and business but don’t want to use pay-to-play tactics?

Did you know that guest post content marketing could help you accomplish this objective?

 Maybe you think guest posting is only for blogs.

It’s not! Continue reading

Content Strategy – Book Interview

Content Strategy – Book CoverHeidi Cohen Interviews Noz Urbina

Content Strategy: Connecting the dots between business, brand and benefits

Q: What’s your best piece of advice for readers looking to improve their marketing?

There are so many things wrong with marketing and content today, my best piece of advice is: be open to fundamental and deep change. Joe Pulizzi & Robert Rose just wrote a book called Killing Marketing, and in his EuroIA 2017 keynote, Lou Rosenfeld said flat out: “The traditional agency model is doomed”.

Many of us see it, but few want to admit what’s going on due to the magnitude of the implications: everything about marketing is getting a major shake-up. Get on board or get out of the way.

Content isn’t king. Keep in mind that content is only a business asset because it facilitates your audience achieving their goals.

Continue reading


​​​​​​​Social Media Marketing World 2018Social Media Marketing World 2018 is just around the corner (February 28 - March 2, 2018, at the San Diego Convention Center.)

Brought to you by Social Media Examiner, this is the conference for anyone wanting to learn how to make the most of social media and meet the companies and experts in the field.

Join me at this exciting event. Don't delay – the current promotion ends Friday!

  • Heidi Cohen gave her insights on 2018 SEO planning in OptinMonster's post, Strategic SEO Tips From The Experts, Check it out to improve your content and social media for 2018 and beyond.

    Heidis quote fro OptinMonster
  • Andy Crestodina’s Orbit Media’s Blog Survey is a comprehensive look into how businesses use blogs today. It’s also well worth your time since every business (B2B, B2C, NFP or solopreneur) needs a home base. Heidi Cohen added her insights to this research.

  • Heidi Cohen was selected as one of 18 Digital Marketing Influencers You Need To Follow On Twitter by AdHawk. If you’re looking to fill your Twitter stream, we suggest that you check out this list.

  • Regardless of your position or the amount of public speaking you do, I strongly recommend that you take the time to watch this Ted Talk Cambridge spotlighting Michael and Amy Port. They’re trained actors who’ve applied their experience to public speaking.

    Everyone needs to improve his skills whether you’re on the big stage or giving a wedding toast.

    BTW, I also recommend that you read Port’s book, Steal The Show.

  • Additionally, I strongly recommend reading Margaret Magnarelli’s editorial on Contently, Understanding Pain Is The Key To Customer Centric Marketing. The article is based on solid research and makes a strong case for empathy in building customer connections.


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Macy's photo from CC0: 


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