Actionable Marketing Guide Newsletter

Published: Mon, 10/30/17

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

Boo and other Halloween salutations! 

In the US, especially my neighborhood, Halloween translates to candy and costume shopping. To help get you in the mood, here are some of AMG’s past Halloween posts.

Also salutations for the Day of the Dead celebrated in Mexico on November 1st.

Change is in the New York air. Fall weather is blowing into town.

While I love the unseasonal warmth, the uncharacteristic autumn weather is confusing nature. Instead of fall colors, the deep fuchsia roses around the Limelight Church are peeking their heads into the sun.

Last week, I ventured over to Brooklyn for the Incite Summit at the Marriott Metrotech. The summit brought together senior brand marketers.

Having worked for global corporate brands including Citibank, Bertelsmann and The Economist, as well as at the forefront of content marketing, I was interested to hear how brand marketers framed their challenges.

The big message was: Use your brand storytelling to invite people into your community.

As humans, we’ve been taught to listen to, remember and tell stories. Storytelling is in our DNA; data analysis isn’t! (BTW, Chip and Dan Heath describe this well in their book, Made To Stick (affiliate link)).

Maximize the power of brand story telling by integrating your stories and those of your customers into your content and brand messaging.  (Here are 30 ways to find the stories associated with your brand.)

Weight Watchers does a great job of brand story telling to create something bigger because community is at the heart of their offering. It supports you to achieve difficult personal goals. Weight Watchers’ customers appear in their content and advertising.

The best reason to attend live events: Meet people in-person. After communicating with Glen Gilmore (@GlenGilmore) for years on Twitter, we actually got to meet face-to-face. I loved that Incite’s Summit was an intimate event allowing attendees time to engage with each other.

As a marketer who has created and received lots of conference swag over the years, I loved two items I got at the Incite Summit.

  • Ceros’s canvas bag (below). A knitting project jumped into it as soon as I got home.

  • Arrow Promotional’s rechargeable UBS battery in the shape of an orange that can double as a coaster. It’s already in use on my desk! While it’s too heavy and big for my pocketbook, it brightens my desk.

Arrow Promotions

The actionable marketing key to quality promotional swag:

  • Create items that visitors will use over time; keeping your brand top of mind!


This week, I’m the guest for Content Marketing Institute’s #CMWorld chat on Tuesday, October 31st. Please join me at noon (New York time)—No travel required.

Here are my tips for participating in a Twitter Chat. My current Twitter Chat tool of choice is

The topic is Editorial Planning which I’ve expanded to Content Marketing Planning. I’ve created some new charts to explain the process that I’ll share during the chat.

While Editorial Planning sounds like Content Marketing 101, it’s not especially when 63% of B2B content marketers don’t have a documented content marketing strategy.

If you have some tips or questions on the topic of editorial planning for content marketing, please hit respond to this email.

For example: Social Media Power Influencer, Madalyn Sklar says:

Madalyn Sklar
My favorite Twitter chat tool is @TweetChat. It will show all chat tweets in real-time and will put the hashtag in for you. -@MadalynSklar

Madalyn hosts the #TwitterSmarter Twitter chat every Thursday @ 1pm ET. She also hosts the #SocialROI chat, presented by ManageFlitter​, every Tuesday @ 5pm ET.

Happy Marketing

Heidi Cohen
Actionable Marketing Guide

P.S: If Social Media or Content Creation is part of your 2018 plans, join me at Social Media Marketing World 2018. There are both full conference admission and content creator ticks. I’m speaking about Content Creation.


2017 Blogging Research That Will Make You A Better Blogger

2017 Blogging Research That Will Make You A Better BloggerDo you still blog in your pajamas?

Personally I never have!

You may wonder why I ask.

Because Orbit Media’s 2017 Annual Blogger Survey reveals that blogs have evolved into full-fledged professional media entities. Continue reading

2018 B2B Content Marketing Distribution: What The Data Doesn’t Tell You [Research]

2018 B2B Content Marketing DistributionNot all B2B content marketing distribution is created equal.

But you knew that!

Maximize your B2B content marketing distribution by  integrating it into your content marketing strategy. This will help  yield an expected outcome. Continue reading

Brand Storytelling: 30 Ideas That Will Make Your Business Memorable

Brand StorytellingBrand storytelling is your secret marketing weapon.

In today’s information overloaded world, stories pull your audience out of their status quo, according to story expert Robert McKee.

Your brand story must create sufficient intrigue that it yanks your reader out of his routine. Continue reading

How To Improve Your Winning B2B Content Marketing Distribution [Case Study]

5 B2B Content Marketing Distribution Tactics You Can Use

5 B2B Content Marketing Distribution Tactics You Can UseNeed to improve your stellar B2B content marketing distribution?  

Of course you do! 

Before you pull out your spreadsheet to show me that your content yielded above average results for your business, consider how you’d feel if the opposite were true. Continue reading​​​​​​​


​​​​​​​Social Media Marketing World 2018Social Media Marketing World 2018 is just around the corner (February 28 - March 2, 2018, at the San Diego Convention Center.)

Brought to you by Social Media Examiner, this is the conference for anyone wanting to learn how to make the most of social media and meet the companies and experts in the field.

Join me at this exciting event. Don't delay – the current promotion ends Friday!

  • Take a deep dive into Andy Crestodina’s Orbit Media’s Blog Survey. It’s well worth your time since every business (B2B, B2C, NFP or solopreneur) needs a home base.

    Heidi Cohen was quoted regarding where and when people blog.

    Heidi Cohen quote in Orbit Media Blogging study

    Hint: It’s no longer work you do in your PJs!

    Also check out how Crestodina connects to new content from existing content. It shows Google and readers which is the updated information.

    Orbit Media Blog report
  • Heidi was interviewed by Mary Ellen Slayter for Velocitize regarding Interactive Content.

    If you’re interested in getting up to speed on Interactive Content here are 3 great primers:

  • Dennis Shaio interviewed BuzzSumo’s Susan Moeller on Medium about content creation. Moeller mentioned as a go-to-site! W00t!

    Important take-aways:

    • Moeller spent about 12 hours crafting a blog post over a period of 2 weeks! This is on the high end based on Orbit Media’s Blogging Survey.
    • Shaio created interview content on Medium. Are you using Medium yet?

If you enjoy reading this email newsletter, perhaps there’s a friend or colleague that you’d like to recommend us to? Please send them this link to our email signup page.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


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Photos: ©2017 - Heidi Cohen & Larry Aronson