Actionable Marketing Guide Newsletter – Home For The Holidays

Published: Mon, 12/11/17

actionable marketing guide

Dear ,

With 2 full weekends of holiday shopping left, the US was covered in white, much of it in places that usually don’t experience snow.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t all snow. In the Los Angeles area, it was ash from the unquenchable fires that closed major traffic arteries and burned homes.

Before you worry about how to maintain your holiday sales when Mother Nature keeps shoppers home, make sure your employees, customers and neighbors are safe. Lives are precious and irreplaceable. Like houses, businesses can be rebuilt.

Provide your audience with information they need to be safe whether it’s evacuating their home or staying put out of danger.

Memories are difficult to build. But life is precious. You only get one shot at it. In emergencies focus on what counts most: Lives.

Speaking of cold weather memories, I remember that snow days were bonus days when I was a kid: No school.

Once shoveling the driveway with my sister and brother was done, the day was ours to do as we pleased.

What will you do with your bonus time: Will you work or do something fun?

How can you use this “found” time without plugging into a device?

  • Call family and friends to let them know you care about them, especially if they’re in an area that has weather problems.
  • Try some old fashioned games to engage.
  • Pick up a book—there’s always Amazon.
  • Make a meal or something special. When I was a kid, we made chocolate chip cookies. It was a rewarding activity. Even better it’s the holidays – a great time to give your treats away.
  • Help your neighbors who may not be able to clear their driveway or invite them over for a meal.

Remember that after the white, the light will peak through to bring hope.

As I write this, the sun is shining brightly through our living room windows even during this shortened daylight hours.

​​​​​​​Happy Winter Holidays!

Heidi Cohen
Actionable Marketing Guide

​​​​​​​Social Media Marketing World 2018Join me at:

Social Media Marketing World 2018

Brought to you by Social Media Examiner, this is the conference for anyone wanting to learn how to make the most of social media and meet the companies and experts in the field.

Join me at this exciting event. I’ll be speaking about Content Creation.

This year you have a wider choice of attendance options:

  • All Access Pass. Allows you entry to all of the sessions and parties. It’s the traditional offering. This is good for people interested in social media who want all the networking benefits of the parties and gatherings.  Learn More.

  • Content Creator. Is tailored to content creators. Its lower price point helps content creators on a budget. It limits your attendance to creation sessions (including mine) and the general sessions.  Learn More

  • Virtual Ticket. Gives you all of the conference content from the comfort of your computer. You don’t need to leave home. It saves you on travel as well as other live expenses.  Learn More

Don't delayRegister Now and Save!                            (affiliate advertisement)


2018 B2C Content Marketing Trends [Research & Analysis]

2018 B2C Content Marketing Trends2018 B2C Content Marketing Trends reveal that business use of content continues to evolve.

Research by Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs shows that B2C marketers are paying attention and improving their processes to achieve measurable objectives. (BTW—Here’s our analysis of 2018 B2B Content Marketing Trends.) Continue reading

Chief Marketing Officers at Work – Book Interview

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Chief Marketing Officers at Work

Q: What’s your best piece of advice for readers looking to improve their marketing?

Get empathy.

The CMOs I interviewed in my book “get” their customers in a visceral way that allows them to create marketing campaigns that could never come from a focus group, market research, or data. Not that those tools aren’t valuable, but empathy trumps all.

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Audio Content Marketing: How To Reach Your Busy Audience [Research]

Audio Content MarketingWhen my sister, who battles Los Angeles traffic for over an hour each way to get to work, mentioned she listens to podcasts I realized their power.

Podcasting and other audio content marketing is no longer a sideshow to video and other trendy content format.

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Thank You Content Marketing And Reciprocity: 5 Ways To Build Customer Relationships

Thank You Content Marketing And ReciprocityThank you.

The small act of saying “thank you” shows prospects, customers and others you really care about them, not just their money.

Ann Handley expressed it best, “The best marketing doesn’t feel like marketing.”

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Photo Credits: 
Gingerbread house in Madison Square – ©2017 Larry Aronson.
Heidi Cohen on the Flipboard Red Couch – Photo used with permission