Actionable Marketing Guide Newsletter – Is Your Marketing Back To The Future?

Published: Mon, 02/05/18

actionable marketing guide

Happy Belated Groundhog Day!

Beyond the Bill Murray movie, Groundhog Day, it’s probably the only weather holiday that gets media attention especially by weather broadcasters. (I should know I did consulting for Accuweather located in nearby State College, PA.)

For those of you outside of the US, Groundhog Day is when Punxsutawney Phil, a groundhog, emerges from his burrow in Pennsylvania. If he sees his shadow there will be another 6 weeks of winter and if he doesn’t there will be an early spring. Please don't ask me what a groundhog is.

A few weeks ago, my husband and I watched a BBC series on Science Fiction. It explores science fiction from the perspective of filmmakers, actors and writers. (Another fun fact: I sold science fiction novels and merchandise when I was at Bertelsmann.)

During one show, Groundhog Day was mentioned as a form of time travel because Bill Murray’s character was forced to keep reliving the same day again and again and again.

As marketers, I wonder whether we’d all want to be time travelers so that we could go back in time to create promotions that yielded maximum results since we’d know how to improve them based on what actually happened. Unfortunately, like the Michael J. Fox character in Back To The Future, we wouldn't be able to change history.

More to the point, it’s February. So the big question is: How are your 2018 marketing plans going?

If you’re like me, your marketing plans evolve through the year. You change them to adapt to your results to-date and the environment.

While I strongly believe you should regularly monitor your marketing results and make changes based on what’s working and what’s not, I also believe that it’s critical to have a documented plan.

The act of committing your strategy in writing and sharing it with others forces you to hold yourself accountable. Based on Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs research on content marketing, marketers who have a documented strategy consistently outperform those who don’t.

In fact, in one of his recent CMI posts, Joe Pulizzi outlined how he set his personal goals.

My point is that you need to push yourself to achieve the best you can. To accomplish this, it helps to write your goals down.

To get your content marketing, blogging and other writing on track to succeed this year, take the time to do annual content planning. If you need marketing support for this, you can still get Gini Dietrich’s The Communicator’s Playbook.

Before you tell me that you don’t have time to complete the assignments looming in front of you, take a deep breathe. Realize that not planning is probably what got you in the predicament in the first place.

Don’t let the fact that the calendar says February keep you from doing great things this year.

On a personal level, recent research shows that niners (people in their last year before a big birthday) tend to commit to big projects.

While we’re on the subject of content creation, please join me at SMMW18 where I’m talking at 1:30pm on Friday, March 2nd on how to keep generating quality content ideas.

If you’ve had enough of the winter blues, San Diego in February is beautiful and sunny.

Happy marketing,

Heidi Cohen
Actionable Marketing Guide

​​​​​​​Social Media Marketing World 2018Join me at:

Social Media Marketing World 2018

Brought to you by Social Media Examiner, this is the conference for anyone wanting to learn how to make the most of social media and meet the companies and experts in the field.

Join me at this exciting event. I’ll be speaking about Content Creation.

This year you have a wider choice of attendance options:

  • All Access Pass. Allows you entry to all of the sessions and parties. It’s the traditional offering. This is good for people interested in social media who want all the networking benefits of the parties and gatherings.  Learn More.

  • Content Creator. Is tailored to content creators. Its lower price point helps content creators on a budget. It limits your attendance to creation sessions (including mine) and the general sessions.  Learn More

  • Virtual Ticket. Gives you all of the conference content from the comfort of your computer. You don’t need to leave home. It saves you on travel as well as other live expenses.  Learn More

Don't delayRegister Now and Save!                            (affiliate advertisement)


Content Idea Generation: 3 Super Easy Steps

Content Idea GenerationIf you’re like most content creators, bloggers and writers, at some point you’ve stared at the blank screen cursing the flashing cursor because you have no content inspiration.

I wish I could tell you that I had a magic Harry Potter type spell that would instantaneously transmit your creativity into tangible format.

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How To Write Results-Oriented Content Series Even If You Have Writer’s Block

Content SeriesMay be you’re having trouble writing one lone article or you’ve lost your blogging mojo, so you wonder why you should learn how to create a content series.

Like many of my readers, at some point, you find sitting down to write even one measly blog post is physically painful.

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Content Marketing Optimization: The Ultimate Guide

Content Marketing OptimizationSay “content marketing optimization” and most marketers instinctively think “search” or may be “social media.”

Even Gartner defines content optimization as the process by which content providers improve search results and ranking. Additionally providers improve their content’s value with the use of content management automation enabling them to develop new pages on-the-fly. Continue reading

Bold Brand 2.0 – Book Interview

Bold Brand 2.0Heidi Cohen Interviews Josh Miles

New book: Bold Brand 2.0

Q: What’s your best piece of advice for readers looking to improve their marketing?

A: Marketing professional services is simply not the same as traditional B2B or B2C marketing. It’s its own animal, and there are better ways to approach it than “what we’ve always done.” It requires bold differentiations, and a strategic point of view.

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​​​​​​​Chip and Dan Heath have a new book out, The Power Of Moments. Although the book is still in my reading stack, I found Chip’s interview with Wharton enlightening. I loved the point about hotels missing the opportunity to create memorable moments. The question is how do you make your brand memorable in a good way???


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Groundhog Day photo via Wikimedia Commons, CC zero