Homeschool Planner - Here's How I Do It...

Published: Mon, 07/14/08

Have you planned what you're doing for next year yet?  What a
stressful question if you're not ready yet, huh?  If it's any
consolation - I'm not ready yet either.

To make life a little easier for you I thought I would send over
the form that I have used the last several years.  It's pretty
simple and easy to use - otherwise I wouldn't use it!

Just go here and click on "Homeschool Planner."  You'll get the pdf
that I created of my form with instructions.

Let me know if you try it and if you like it.  Or let me know if
you think I should improve it in any way.

Remember - homeschooling is fun!  Take a deep breath and relax...
You don't have to be perfect or have it all together.  Your
children will remember how you treated them more than what you
picked for their schoolwork.

