3 New Facts You Didn't Know Last Week

Published: Tue, 04/24/12

Hi ,
It's been another busy week at the Johnson house. I had 2 more interviews with interesting people this week that I want to share with you. I also found out about how your older student (or you) can get a  fr ee ipad 3 and I wanted to share that with you for sure. :)
Here we go!
Gifted Homeschoolers - I haven't had much experience with having gifted homeschoolers so I though I would enlist the help of Corin Goodwin, the president of the Gifted Homeschoolers Forum. If you know or think that you have a gifted student, or if you just want to know more about what makes them tick and what kind of resources are available to them, then check out our interview at http://www.homeschool-how-to.com/gifted-homeschoolers.html
I alluded to this one last week . . .
Amanda Bennett (the queen of unit studies in my book) - If you're wondering why I keep talking about these fun and educational unit studies all the time and want to know more about the creator, then check out my interview with Amanda Bennett  at http://www.homeschool-how-to.com/homeschool-unit-study-curriculum.html She's one of the veteran homeschool authors that really knows her stuff!
Last but not least! Drum roll please . . .  CollegePlus (the program that I highly recommend for college credit and degrees) just announced last week that they will be  giving a fr ee ipad 3 to all students that apply to their program by June 8th and enroll in their program by June 22nd. Get the full details here -
How cool is that!
I hope you're benefiting from the resources that I have been sharing each week.  Let me know if there is anything you would like to see and feel free to share these resources with others that you think would benefit from seeing them.
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