Homeschool Resources - ABCs of Homeschooling, Well Planned Day interview & iPad 3 fr ee

Published: Fri, 06/08/12

Hi ,

Besides having a super busy month with a daughter graduating and having a party here and feeling like I was sending too many email messages, it's been a while since I have touched base with you. I hope that people are benefiting from what I am writing although sometimes I wonder. The last email I wrote, someone unsubscribed and told me "You are spam." Ouch! I work really hard to provide relevant resources and information for homeschoolers, so that message was really confusing to me.

Here are some recent posts that I hope will help you:

ABCs of Homeschooling - This was just a fun post that came to me about the things it takes to be a homeschooler and what homeschoolers should focus on. Please add your own ABCs if you like.

The Well Planned Day - I was able to interview Rebecca Keliher, the creator of the Well Planned Day planners. Although I'm not much of a planner person, I thought my readers might benefit from hearing from Rebecca and getting a bit of information from her about her planners.

Graduation - Although a couple of my daughters went into high school to play volleyball, I felt like I had given them a great foundation. Now that our second daughter has graduated and is moving on to pursue a degree in Fashion Design in the fall, I don't regret a second of the time that I have gotten to spend with her. Sure, I could have worked a full-time job and had more money, but the time I had with my precious kids was worth much more than any amount of money I could have earned. (I have done quite a bit of home business work though :))

In some ways I think public school parents have a harder time with graduation than homeschool parents. They didn't have nearly as much time with their children as we did and are lamenting the fact that their kids are already grown. Don't get me wrong, I hate the change that going to college (trade school or moving on) brings, but I'm so happy when my kids are pursuing their dreams and I can launch them into adulthood knowing that I have given them all of me.

Fr ee iPad 3 Offer Ends Friday June 8th!! - A month or so ago I posted about a free iPad 3 offer that I heard about. It was in conjunction with a college program that students and adults can do from home. Students can complete a college degree in as little as 2 years for under $15,000! They are giving away a free iPad 3 to anyone who enrolls in this program.

If you or someone you know is even remotely interested in pursuing a college degree from home for WAY less than they would spend at any other school, then make sure you have them check out the free iPad 3 offer. It's worth at least checking out. Even if they don't end up enrolling, they should at least apply today so they don't miss out. They have a free ebook and information that gives all the information someone would need.

I love this program and have seen quite a few students have great success with it. Not everyone can afford the money or the time it takes to have the on-campus experience. This helps people get a degree in a different way with the same results. Check out the Free iPad 3 Offer for all the details.

I hope you have a great week!

Heidi Johnson
Heidi Johnson