[Homeschool Resources] New Homeschool Reviews, Updates, Giveaway, and More...

Published: Wed, 07/11/12

Just Harvested
Hi, --  Since it's garden season, I thought I would have a little fun introducing the pages and reviews that I have been writing. Here is what's new at Homeschool How To.

Even though it's been a while since I have written, I wanted to let you know that I'm still here and that I still have plenty of resources to help you. Let me know if there is anything that you would like to see reviewed or if you have any questions for me.

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The Well Planned Day Interview
Check out my interview with with Rebecca Keliher the creator of this program.

Looking for Just the Right Resources for the Fall?

Check out my favorite homeschool resources. Whenever you purchase from one of those vendors, they give me a referral bonus. Every little bit helps keep this website going. Thanks for being my loyal readers!

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Sparkle Stories Review
Find out what these fun stories are all about - mostly for younger kids :)

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Giveaway!! - Keyboard Classroom
The wonderful folks over at Keyboard Classroom have offered to give away another 1 year Dual-license CD ($75.00 value) to one of my readers.
Just "Like" Homeschool How To on Facebook or "Follow" me on Twitter and reply to this email telling me what you have done. I will draw a name on Friday July 20th and get a winner!