It's here!

Published: Tue, 08/21/12

Homeschool How To


I know it's been a while since I have written to you. There are 2 reasons for this. Firstly, when I was writing more often I had some complaints that I was sending too many messages, so I will try to only send messages about once a month to keep the complaints down. For those of you who want to stay connected with me and want to know what is new at Homeschool How To, you can follow me on Facebook or Twitter and stay up to date on the resources and information I provide.

Secondly, besides having a busy summer getting child number 2 off to college (sniff, sniff), I also started a job as an advertising sales rep for The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. The magazine is now digital and comes out monthly instead of quarterly. They only print the magazine once a year now. It's really fun to read the digital magazine because you can click right to the advertisers links from the magazine from your phone, ipod, ipad, or Kindle device. Plus they have wonderful articles, which goes without saying. To see all the back issues you can join the Schoolhouse Teacher where you can also get monthly ebooks and access to all the great TOS planners.

If you own a business and want to market to homeschoolers or have a suggestion of a company you think would benefit from marketing to homeschoolers, please let me know.

Now for the fun stuff . . .

Well, I just got word that enrollment for e-Science is officially open!

This link will give you all the info you need on it:

Plus they have 7 extra bonuses they are giving away (like all the kids in your family can participate for the price of one. Also people who enroll early get a free DVD and also a package of parts sent to them.)

You know I don't send out lots of emails telling you about things like this.  But I'm letting you know about e-Science because it really is an exceptional curriculum.

I understand the registration will only be open for 4 days! Even less if it fills up before that.

See the Light - I had never heard of See the Light video art lessons until just a few months ago. My son and I previewed several of their lessons and were very pleasantly surprised by the great content. You can check out my complete review at

I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer! Please let me know if there is any way I can help you with anything related to homeschooling. You can view my favorite homeschool resources at


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