[Homeschool Resources] Chicks, Busyness, Fr ee magazine, Unit Study ideas, and Popular Pages - Something for Everyone

Published: Tue, 10/16/12

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Hi ,

Again it's been a long time since I have written and again life is busy as I'm sure it is for many of you. I'm keeping up with updating my homeschool website along with working for the Old Schoolhouse Magazine, doing a couple of bookkeeping jobs and helping run activities for our church youth group and homeschool coop.

I've been posting regularly to facebook anytime the Homeschool How To website gets updated, when I see inspirational homeschool quotes, and when I find great homeschool resources on sale. I encourage you to "like" the Homeschool How To facebook page and keep up with what's going on in our homeschool world. And then there are always my Pinterest posts :)

Homeschool Chicks! - The homeschool chicks website launched a few weeks ago and I get to be a part of it. Head on over and become a homeschool chick so that you can keep up with all the ideas that us chicks are writing about related to homeschooling. I'm the How To chick along with some other great bloggers who are the Organized Chick, Fun Chick, Reading Chick, and the Math Chick. If you have a homeschool blog, make sure you join our blog roll too.

Free Homeschool Magazine - The October issue of the Old Schoolhouse Magazine is now live. Here are just a small sampling of some of the featured articles.

-- Electoral College:  The Ins and Outs of the Electoral College  http://www.thehomeschoolmagazine-digital.com/thehomeschoolmagazine/201210/#pg83

-- Science in the Kitchen:  Kitchen Lab - Edible Experiments and Other Mad Scientist Recipes http://www.thehomeschoolmagazine-digital.com/thehomeschoolmagazine/201210/#pg75

Unit Studies - Every week Amanda Bennett features one or a series of unit studies on sale. You can keep up with the sales by going to her main unit study page each week and seeing what she has been up to. Why try to reinvent the wheel when she has collected everything anyone would need to do a unit and offers it at such reasonable prices!

Popular Pages Last Month - Here are some of the top pages that were visited last month at Homeschool How To:

Preschool Ideas - http://www.homeschool-how-to.com/preschool-ideas.html
Homeschool Programs - http://www.homeschool-how-to.com/homeschool-programs.html
Free Homeschool Worksheets - http://www.homeschool-how-to.com/free-homeschool-worksheets.html

Remember I'm here to help you meet your homeschool goals! Let me know if there is something you want to know about that is not mentioned on the website.

Heidi Johnson

Website: http://www.homeschool-how-to.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook .com/pages/Homeschool-How-To/157509874301930
Twitter: http://twitter.com/heidijo7