Best Homeschool Resources

Published: Thu, 06/06/13

Homeschool How To News
New This Month . . .

Home Schooling Resources for Next Year - I've written up a page on all the homeschool resources we use. You'll find links to all the popular curriculums, my free homeschool planner, info on how to buy and sell books, what to teach for each subject and more! -

Against Homeschooling? - Do you have someone in your life who is against homeschooling? This post might help you understand where there are coming from and how you can help them become more open to homeschooling.

Teaching Science - I have a great passion for using children's picture books for teaching science and social studies. Here is how we do it and a link to all the books we use.

Health and Wellness - Helping people achieve health and wellness is another passion of mine, so I've written a short ebook I would like to give to my loyal subscribers about how we have changed our thoughts about health in the last 10 months. I share the biblical model that we have switched to and why. You can access the eBook at
Let me know if you have any questions or if there is any information that you would like me to provide in the future. Keep up with us on facebook and the social media links below for more up-to-the-minute news and resources.
I hope you have a great week!