Best Homeschool Resources

Published: Tue, 12/10/13

Homeschool How To News
New This Month . . .
I know this is a busy time for everyone so I will be brief...
Just a quick reminder - Curriculum is not your master and you are not it's slave! It is there for you to use but you make the final decision on what gets done that day.Take advantage of different Christmas activities where your children can still learn something that day and have some fun doing it.
My latest YouTube video - How to Homeschool Multiple Students in Multiple Grades - I hope you like it! If you like it or have any questions or comments about the video, please "like" it there or leave questions or comments. Thanks!
Homeschool Christmas - Here are some ideas of Christmas gifts that we used for our children that they loved and that facilitated learning. No, we don't buy our kids textbooks for Christmas, but we do buy them fun markers, paper, kits and more and all these items make our homeschool year even more fun and rich.

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a Blessed New Year!
Let me know if you have any questions or if there is any information that you would like me to provide in the future. Keep up with us on facebook and the social media links below for more up-to-the-minute news and resources.
Have a great week!