You're gonna love these Christmas ideas . . .

Published: Wed, 12/05/12


I hope this season finds you well. I know you're busy, so I'm just going to share a freebie and a few resources to help make your life a little easier.

Simple Step Menu Planner Freebie - Here is the menu planner that I use all the time. I usually get to plan about 20-30 meals at a time. It's so easy to just pick a meal each morning depending on my mood and schedule. Let me know what you think of it! Simple Step Menu Planner -

Favorite Christmas Books - Here are a few of our favorite Christmas books. I hope you enjoy reading them too. Favorite Christmas Books -

Homeschool Christmas - You'll see an old picture of my kids from several years ago along with lots of ideas of what I have gotten my children for Christmas over the years.

Healthy Christmas Meals - Here is a post I wrote about how to make this Christmas a bit healthier. There are some simple ideas here for you to make cooking good meals a little easier.

I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas season!
