Best Homeschool Resources

Published: Mon, 01/28/13


As you know I always try to provide you with the best homeschool resources. This month I am going to keep things simple and just give you a few resources to look over. Sound fair enough?

Homeschool Evaluation - I find that January is a good month to look back over the past semester and see how we progressed. It's always a good idea to evaluate your progress, and homeschooling is no exception. I've written a page with 5 checkpoints to help you evaluate your semester and make this your best year yet.

Clean Desks? - Does a messy desk bother you? Do you tend to not be able to think when there are a lot of things laying out? I tend to be like this, yet I have to have papers sitting out or else I will forget about them. 

I didn't make any New Year's resolutions this year because, honestly, I was just too busy to think about them. When the author of my favorite cookbook The Simplified Pantry asked if I wanted to review her new book on paperless organization, I thought I would give it a try.

Since I'm well over 40, the thought of giving up all my paper was a little unnerving to me. Well, I read over the book and started using some of the tools that she suggested. I thought I would get the hang of it right away, but I must say that it took me several days to really get the hang of the system. I have written an ebook called Getting it All Done and Other Myths Women Believe, and I have read countless organization books, but none of those have impacted my physical world as much as Paperless Home Organization.  Below you can see "before" and "after" pictures of my desk. The great thing is that my desk has STAYED clean!

The other great thing is that the author is discounting this book until January 31st for just $2.99. After that date the price will be $7.99. Check it out for yourself here and let me know what you thought of it and if it had the same impact at your house.

Just Homeschool Info - For those of you who just want meat and bones homeschool information, feel free to browse around at my website where there are over 300 pages of homeschool information written by me. The navigation bar at the left side of the page should take you to just about any homeschool question you can think of. If you can't find an answer, you are welcome to email me there and I will do my best to answer right away.

I hope you have a great week!


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Before and after pictures of my desk: