Best Homeschool Resources - Updates

Published: Fri, 03/28/14

Homeschool How To News
New This Month . . .
Greetings! I hope you are having a great week. Here are some resources to help you have a successful homeschool week:
I've been doing a bunch of updating of pages on my website so you are the first to get to see these!

Books for Next Year - Get all my best tips on finding used homeschool books, knowing what buys and sells well, and how to get the best deals.
Top Reasons to Homeschool - Here's a cool (and extensive) list of reasons that this family has to homeschool. Very interesting . . .
Teaching Multiple Grades - Is teaching multiple children in multiple grades stressing you out? Discover an easier way to run your homeschool to help ease your stress and still have a successful year.
Home Business Moms - Do you need to earn more this year? Find out what I have used; what worked and what didn't and how to get in on my free business coaching program.
"Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well." 3 John 1:2

I hope you all have a blessed week!
Let me know if you have any questions or if there is any information that you would like me to provide in the future. Keep up with us on facebook and the social media links below for more up-to-the-minute news and resources.
And, as always, share anything here with your friends that you think would be of interest to them.
Have a great week!