Best Homeschool Resources from Homeschool How To

Published: Fri, 05/30/14

Hi Everyone!

I hope you're enjoying the spring weather! It's been a while since I've written to you because I have been doing some much needed updates to my website. I think I'm just about done, so here are some nuggets I have picked out for you this week. Please let me know if there is anything you would like to know about homeschooling and I will do my best to provide you with the information.
Homeschooling in the Summer? 
Check out this page that I've written about the pros and cons of homeschooling in the summer. I've also included lots of ideas and tips to help capitalize on summer learning.
How to Buy and Sell Homeschool Books
Many people will be looking for books, resources, and curriculum for the new school year soon. Here are my best tips on buying and selling the books that you need.
Free Homeschool Science Lesson for all ages -
Quiz included at the end 

It's always fun to get a free homeschool science lesson for a change of pace from the textbooks or workbooks, so I've loaded one to my website for you. You'll especially like this one if you are studying plants this year, but even if you're not, you can read over it yourself and learn some information that you have probably never heard before. There is even a little history and health thrown in on this lesson. A quiz is included at the end to make sure your children understood the lesson.

Look for the graphic above on my site and enjoy!

Feel free to forward any of this information to friends who might be interested in what I have included in this email.

Let me know if you have any questions or if there is any information that you would like me to provide in the future. Keep up with us on facebook and the social media links below for more up-to-the-minute news and resources.

I hope you have a great week!



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