Best Homeschool Resources from Homeschool How To

Published: Tue, 11/25/14

Homeschool Resources and Ideas for You!


I hope you are enjoying the Thanksgiving season and not getting too stressed out yet. I've collected some more information for you to help you along the way and I hope you enjoy it.

Cranberry Thanksgiving!

This has to be one of our favorite books. It's a fun little story and my children always enjoyed when we made the cranberry bread from the recipe at the back of the book. If you haven't checked out Cranberry Thanksgiving yet, make a quick trip to the library and get it now! Be sure to check out Cranberry Christmas while you're there too. It's a favorite of ours too. 

Feeling like giving up yet?

This is a common time of year for homeschool moms to get burned out. If you're feeling a burnout coming on, here are some quick tips you can use to help you cope:

1. Take care of yourself and your family. Make sure you are eating well. If you can't eat well because there is too much junk in the house, then take it out. It's all about choices. Children need to make good choices in relation to their behavior and we need to make good choices in taking care of our families. Make sure everyone is taking their vitamins and getting to bed on time. This will reap huge benefits in your family dynamics and attitudes. 

2. Change it up. Use this time of year to take some field trips, do a week long unit study (we use Amanda Bennett's), read quality books for a week, do some science experiments instead of book work, play the wii, bake, go hiking, or any host of other activities that you can all enjoy.

3. Just plain TAKE A BREAK. This is not an endurance race! Show your children how to de-stress and scale back when needed. It will help them learn how to avoid burnout when they are adults.

4. You're not the only one. Some months are more difficult than others. It doesn't mean you're not a great mom or that you have made a mistake homeschooling your children. It just means that we all need to push through the tough times. Realize that there are others feeling the same way and don't stress about it. Pray that God will help you and He will!

I hope these tips have helped you. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone!

Greater focus, shorter illnesses, better attitudes . . .

These are all things that our family has achieved with the use of Young Living essential oils. If you want to know more, feel free to contact me or reply to this email and I can help you come up with a customized plan for your family. 

Check out my:

Online classes - Be sure to register so you don't miss out!  Next class is Monday December 1st at 8pm EST, 7PM CST, 6pm MST, 5pm PST.

Essential Oils Fact Sheet - All you need to know to get familiar with essential oils all on one sheet -

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Let me know if you have any questions or if there is any information that you would like me to provide in the future. Keep up with us on facebook and the social media links below for more up-to-the-minute news and resources.

I hope you have a great week!


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