Are you Making Your Homeschool Day Harder than it Should Be?

Published: Tue, 12/30/14

Homeschool Resources and Ideas for You!


Here are some thoughts that came to my mind today that I would like to share with you:

Are you making your homeschool day harder than it should be?

Evaluating your day, once in a while, is always a good idea. Think about your day and see if any of these things pop up as red flags. When we notice these red flags, we can take action to remedy the situation making our days a little easier.

1. Are you using books you don't enjoy? It's tough to pick books for homeschooling when we've never read them. You buy something thinking it will be perfect and then it ends up not being what you expected. It's okay to stop using something that you don't enjoy! There, I said it. You have my permission to stop using a book you don't enjoy...

2. Are you doing tasks your children should do? Are you clearing plates from the table yourself for children who are more than capable of doing this themselves, putting away the food from the table, doing laundry for children who are 12 or older? Putting laundry away for your children who are over 5? Sweeping, organizing, wiping, etc?? Are you stressed over keeping up with the mountain of  housework? Look over each job that you are doing and see if someone in your family can be trained to do that job instead. If no one in your house is capable, check into outside help. When my girls were 1, 3, and 5, I enlisted the help of a cleaning lady for a few years. That way I was able to work on homeschooling my girls and running my home business with less stress. I always said that someone else could clean my house but no one else could homeschool my children the way I could.

3. Are you worried or fearful in your homeschool? Do you worry about your children being at grade level? Think you aren't "doing enough"? Comparing yourself to other homeschool families?

4. Do you have a lot of stuff in your house and don't know where to put it all? This time of year is a great time to look at what you have and what no longer serves you. Ask your family to help you clear out some things so that you have more space to work and less clutter to clean around. If you don't like something, don't keep it. If something no longer serves you or your family member, don't keep it. I am seeing lots of great decluttering ideas on facebook groups and pinterest these days. Let me know if you need some ideas or check out this post on organizing. You can bet that I will also be working through this decluttering process myself!

5. Are you forgetting character training? To me, this is one of the most important parts of homeschooling. If my children finished all their books, scored in the 98th percentile on all tests but act like jerks that no one wants to be around, then I have failed. My greatest focus should be on the character of my children. They won't be homeschooling forever and I will have to launch them out into the world. I've actually already launched 3 of them with only one left at home! The time goes by fast! I want my children to be able to relate to people and be a blessing to the people they are around. So instead of focusing so much on completing those workbooks, make sure character training is getting done first.

I hope I haven't overwhelmed you too much with all these questions. I do want you to evaluate things in your life, though, so that you don't just float through life and wonder what happened. 

The most important thing you can do is to spend some quiet time with God in the next few days and allow Him to minister to you and help you find what you really need to focus on and what you need to let go. He created you and your children and knows you best. Go to Him with your concerns and let Him lead and guide you to where you need to be.

I hope you all have a very Happy New Year!

Enjoy Your Healthiest Year Yet . . .

Essential oils support EVERY system in your body! Did you know that they are mentioned in over 70% of the books of the Bible? Want to learn how to help your family gain better mental focus, sleep better, overcome illnesses quicker, and help their bodies at the cellular level?

Here are a couple of resources if you're interested in learning more:

Online classes for education - The next classes I will be teaching will be this Friday (Jan. 2nd) at 10am EST and next Monday January 5th at 3pm EST. Be sure to register so you don't miss one of these

Are you interested in knowing more but want to try essential oils first? Just reply to this email and let me know which oil sample you would like to try. I have lavender, peppermint, Peace & Calming, Thieves, and lemon. I'd be glad to send your family a sample of essential oils so that you can try it out for yourself.

Let me know if you have any questions or if there is any information that you would like me to provide in the future. Keep up with us on facebook and the social media links below for more up-to-the-minute news and resources.

I hope you have a great week!


Website: and my blog

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