Re-charge Moments for Homeschool Moms from Homeschool How To

Published: Fri, 01/30/15

Homeschool Resources and Ideas for You!


I hope your new year is off to a great start and that you are enjoying some warm indoor activities with your children. I have some tidbits of info to share with you that I hope will help you..

Re-charge Moments for Homeschool Moms!

Don't we all need a little recharge once in a while? Here are some quick tips to help you if you're feeling stressed or bogged down. 

1. Know what you need. If you're feeling stressed, do you need more alone time, more structure, more orderliness, or something else? Are you an introvert or extrovert? Does a quiet moment reading a book sound better to you than running around and playing in the snow with your children? Figure out your greatest lack right now and work on taking even 5 minutes to fill that lack. You are modeling good mental health for your children when you take time to do what you know you need to do for yourself.

2. Remove "should" from your vocabulary. "Should" makes you think that you are not good enough or that you are lacking something. Yes, we "should" do the dishes every day, but is that the attitude we want to have? Think about turning your "should"s into "want to"s. When you think, "I 'should' read to my children more often," turn it into, "I want to read to my children more often." What will help change your "should"s to "want"s even faster? Having passion often helps. If you walk around seeing the lacks, you will miss out on life. Have some passion for your role as a mother! Do you like having an orderly house, then find a way to make it happen! Enjoy that moment when the dishes get clean or the entry way is clear for a moment. Do you enjoy reading to your children or seeing them learn something new? Then focus on those activities with passion and enjoy the journey with them. When you have passion and know "why" you "want" to do something, you tend to have more re-charge moments.

3. Pray - often... Those of us that are Christians know the power of prayer. We realize the power, but we often don't use it when we're feeling run down or stressed. Take a recharge moment and pray for a few minutes. Ask God to help you see your life with new eyes, as He sees it. Ask Him to give you ideas of how you can recharge your family to be all that you were created to be.

Enjoy your Healthiest Year Yet!

Whether your family needs greater mental focus, help with overcoming the constant illnesses that keep cropping up, help with skin issues, respiratory issues, seasonal blues, digestive issues, sleep issues or others, follow me and I'll help you understand how essential oils have helped us overcome all of these and more over the last 2 1/2 years. It's no wonder 70% of the books of the Bible mention essential oils! God gave them to us and wants us to use them! 

If you're like me, you have no clue where to start, so I've recorded a webinar where I explain it all to you. Watch the class all the way through to the end and get back with me to be eligible to win a free sample pack of 5 essential oils.

This class will be available for viewing until Saturday at midnight 1/31 so make sure you watch it soon! Click here to view  - Introduction to Essential Oils Class (password yleo) (don't judge me, it's not the greatest quality!) and email me when you have watched it.

Let me know if you have any questions or if there is any information that you would like me to provide in the future. Keep up with us on facebook and the social media links below for more up-to-the-minute news and resources.

I hope you have a great week!


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