Best Homeschool Resources from Homeschool How To

Published: Thu, 08/13/15

Homeschool Resources and Ideas for You!

Hi ,

I hope you are enjoying your summer. I'm guessing most homeschoolers are working on preparing for the new school year, so I thought I would send some resources to help you along the way. Since Homeschool How To has over 300 pages of information written by me, I thought I would highlight some of the pages that would be appropriate for this time of year. 

All grades - what to use for each subject

Feeling confused? Do you just need to talk to someone for an hour about what is best for your family? Feel free to check out my 1 hour coaching session and see if it might be just what you need.

Please let me know if there is anything that you want to know about homeschooling various subjects or grades.

Feel free to forward this email on to friends who might benefit from the information.

Get a Sparkling Clean Home without Using Chemicals! 

Download my chemical free cleaning cheat sheet and learn how I have quickly and easily improved my cleaning routine and saved money in the process. Get all the details here.

Have a great week!



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