I Need Your Help!

Published: Tue, 09/15/15

Be one of the few to get exactly what you want for homeschooling - I want to hear from you! 

Dear ,

Thanks for being a part of the Homeschool How To email list. The reason I am writing to you is to ask you to help me serve you better. I have noticed that my emails have been opened a lot less lately and I wanted to make sure I am giving my readers what they need to know in relation to homeschooling.

Here is where I need your help!

Please answer any or all of these questions that apply to you:

1. What do you need most for homeschooling right now? Are you looking for free resources, curriculum reviews, encouragement, or something else?

2. Is there anything you want to know from a mom who has homeschooled for 20 years?

3. Is there anything new that you need that is not being provided by me or others online?

Please let me know what you need most to help you continue homeschooling and I will do my best to provide that for you and your family. Thank you for your time and help!!