How to Finish Your Homeschool Year Strong - Tips from Homeschool How To

Published: Thu, 03/19/15

Homeschool Resources and Ideas for You!


I hope you are enjoying the warmer weather in your area. This time of year, it's easy to get stressed and burned out. I do NOT want that to happen to you, so I have some words of encouragement for you today.  

How to Finish your Homeschool Year Strong!

It's getting down to crunch time and you're wanting to make sure you end your year well. Here are a few tips I have learned over the years that will hopefully help you in your homeschool journey.

1. Realize that your plans from the beginning of the year will/have change(d). Did you think that you had a perfect plan at the beginning of the year and that nothing would need to be adjusted or changed? When you are dealing with people and personalities, there are many variables. Instead of fighting the variables, go with them and focus on making sure everyone still enjoys learning. Have you made progress this year? Do your children have projects or interests that they are passionate about? Please don't measure your homeschool success by whether you finished the books you wanted to finish. Life is so much more than completing a workbook! 

2. Focus! Decide what you would really like to still accomplish this year and focus on that. Make sure your children are not moving on to their privileged activities before their work is done. You may feel like a strict task master, but realize that you are helping your children develop good habits for life when you are requiring them to work before play. Yes, some learning can be play, but make sure that their disciplines are getting done and that they aren't just wandering through their day. If you or your children have trouble staying on task, please reply to this email and I can direct you to some simple essential oil blends that have helped 100s of families with minor to major learning issues with great success. 

3. Model Learning - I know you have a million things to do, but when your children are doing their work, do they see you reading a book, learning a new skill, or being interested in what they are learning? If you spend a lot of time on Facebook, texting, or doing mindless tasks, your children will be drawn to that too. Feed your mind when you can and your children will eventually follow. 

4. Change up Your Learning - Maybe it's time to read outside under a tree. Maybe a walk in the woods would help your children learn about nature rather than just reading it from a book. Maybe doing some hands-on activities will make that lesson stick in their minds more. Use the creativity that God has given you to make your days more interesting. Even if you're not the "creative type" you can still pray and ask God for ideas that you can implement. 

Here are some helpful pages for learning styles and avoiding burnout - 

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Let me know if you have any questions or if there is any information that you would like me to provide in the future. Keep up with us on facebook and the social media links below for more up-to-the-minute news and resources.

I hope you have a great week!


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