How Children with Special Challneges Benefit from Using Essential Oils - Online Webinars Scheduled

Published: Fri, 04/17/15


I just wanted to send you a quick note letting you know about 2 webinars I will be doing early next week.

How Children with Special Challenges Benefit from Using Essential Oils

Join this informative class on Tuesday April 21st at either 2pm or 9pm EST. Find out what essential oils are, how they are made, and how they are used to help with mental clarity, focus issues, special challenges, brain challenges, and much more. 

Click one of these links a few minutes before the class you chose and join me there. I'll be on video and would love to see your face too if possible. 

2:00pm class link is    

9:00pm class link is

Please feel free to invite other special needs moms who don't know about essential oils yet. We have used only Young Living essential oils for the past 3 years because they are so pure and therapeutic. Our children are important to us, so we want to make sure we are not putting anything on them that could have any chance of being impure in any way.

Class times are 2pm EST, 1pm CST, 12pm MST or 11am PST

The evening class times are 9pm EST, 8pm CST, 7pm MST, or 6pm PST

Many special needs families are having amazing results with Young Living oils. Many children are doing things they were told they would never be able to do.

I look forward to sharing with you on Tuesday!