Best Homeschool Resources from Homeschool How To

Published: Thu, 05/14/15

Homeschool Resources and Ideas for You!
Hi ,

I hope you are enjoying the warmer weather and that you have had a chance to spend some time outside with your children. 

The Mountain!

“You never know what's around the corner. It could be everything. Or it could be nothing. You keep putting one foot in front of the other, and then one day you look back and you've climbed a mountain.” 
― Tom Hiddleston

As moms it's easy to see the mountain in front of us, but sometimes we need to look at the mountain behind us that we have climbed. You have probably accomplished a lot this year even though it sometimes doesn't feel like it. Besides the mountains of dishes and laundry you have done, there are plenty of other tasks you have accomplished and life lessons you have taught. Keep looking forward, but remember you've come a long way!

I want to help you finish the year strong, so here are a few tips from me to you to help you along the way:

Put away anxious thoughts - God has brought you this far and He's not going to let you down now. Relax and just keep plugging along doing what you know is right. Deut 31:8

Throw away the comparing game! - Just because Johnny-down-the-street has memorized his entire Science book, does not mean your Johnny is supposed to do that too. We each have a path we are meant to walk and a backpack we are meant to carry. Make sure you and your children are walking your own path and carrying only the weight you are supposed to carry. It's pointless to measure yourself or your children against others. A successful year looks different for each person.

Minimize Distractions - be flexible and patient when they come up, but minimize them nonetheless. If your children are in too many outside activities or have too many distractions in the house keeping them from working each day, take a few minutes and create a distraction-free workspace for them. Or cut out some outside activities that will help all of you gain better focus again.

Revisit Learning Styles if needed - If your child has spent the last several months complaining about one of their books, maybe it's time to look at how they learn best. If they are an auditory learner, maybe reading the book to them would help take away some of the frustration. Or if they learn better by doing something physical, try to incorporate that into your learning time. Proverbs 20:5

However your year turns out, know that I am pulling for you! Take a deep breath and keep going. You can do it!
Need to Lose Some We ight for the Summer?
Just reply to this email and I'll send you my friend's story of losing 60# in a year and how I am seeing my body shift after years of getting absolutely nowhere! It's nothing you've ever heard of before and it's easy and good for your body.

Feel free to forward my email to friends you know who want to lose wei ght too.

Let me know if you have any questions or if there is any information that you would like me to provide in the future. Keep up with us on facebook and the social media links below for more up-to-the-minute news and resources.

I hope you have a great week!




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