Optimize Your Children's Learning and De-stress Your Household

Published: Mon, 12/07/15

Optimize Your Children's Learning and De-stress Your Household

Hi ,

What causes stress in our lives? Illness, anxiety, learning problems, focus issues, emotions, clutter, and trying to doing too much can all bring stress into our home. 

If you've been reading my emails for any length of time, you know that our family uses essential oils very effectively. Well, today you get the inside scooImagep on what we use and how we use them at how to use oils in homeschooling...

If all the oil talk is confusing to you, take advantage of the experience I have gained and use my mentor contact form at the end of the article link above.

Cheaper Cleaning that's Chemical Free!

Toxins and chemicals in the home can also cause stress an illness. Learn what to avoid and how to keep your house smelling great and sparkling clean for a fraction of what your are spending now, read more here...

De-Stress with Self Teaching in Your Homeschool!

This method of homeschooling has saved us lots of stress over the years. Watch this video for more information. 

Have a great week!
