Best Homeschool Resources from Homeschool How To

Published: Mon, 01/25/16

Tips and Resources to Help Your Homeschool Run Smoothly

Hi ,

I just wanted to check in with you and see how your year is going. Some of us are at the half way point in our school year and are ready for a mid-year evaluation. How is your progress and attitude and are things going well or do things need to be adjusted? Here's a quick and easy article that will helImagep you make sure you check over your year and finish strong. I hope it helps you. 

What we are using for 8th grade

I don't think I've ever done an article going over what we use for the year. I know I enjoy seeing what other families use, so here we go...

Our youngest child is now in 8th grade. How did that happen?? Here is what he and I are using this year. No judgement please!

Bible - Jesus Calling, Christian Leadership, and my Bible memory sheets.

Language - Jump In: A Workbook for Reluctant and Eager Writers

642 Things to Write About - He chose this one in a bookstore recently because he feels that he needs to write more (blew me away!)

Amazing Animals! - ready to use stories & activity sheets to build reading comprehension

Language Practice grade 8 by Steck Vaughn

Mad Libs! - His favorite! One per week.

Read a chapter in a quality book each day (he's not into reading so I require this)

Modern Curriculum Press Word Study Level F

Rosetta Stone - German - We have had this program for a bunch of years but now are having trouble getting it to work in our computers. I need to call tech support to get this working again!  For now we are just using flashcards and adding to those as he learns.

Greek and Latin Roots flashcards - we started with 10ish add to these each month.

History - Mystery of History volume III

Science - Apologia Exploring Creation with Anatomy & Physiology along with animal stories book from language arts reading comprehension

Extreme Dot to Dot Around the World - just for fun

PE - List of squats, push ups, sit ups and weights that he is supposed to do each day and increase each week. Sometimes he goes and lifts with my husband.

He builds lots of cool Lego creations from the 3 in 1 kits, makes some awesome cakes, cooks some yummy dinners, refinishes and builds furniture and loves on his sisters when they come home from college and beyond. Did you know how much you can learn from YouTube? When his bookwork is done, he watches some pretty interesting videos and does a lot of drawing and cooking and exploring the world. :)

What we do for Kindergarten and Preschool

Maybe your children are very little and you can't imagine them ever being in eighth grade or they are somewhere in between or beyond, I thought I would include a little about what we did in preschool and Kindergarten because I just LOVE kids this age!

What to use for preschool, what to include in your activity program and check out my 101 Ways to Make Preschool Fun and 101 MORE Ways to Make Preschool Fun! Click here to read all about it

The 4 things that you need to include in your homeschool Kindergarten program can be seen here -

Sorry this was so long! I hope this was helpful to you. Have a great week!


P.S. PLEASE let me know what you need to know about homeschooling the most and I will gladly provide that for you in these emails. 
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