Need some moms to help me on a little project - Here are the details...

Published: Thu, 03/10/16

Asking for Help This Time

Hi ,

I hope all is going well with you. I just wanted to send you a quick note letting you know that I am looking for a few moms that would like to participate in some interview questions that I will be using on my website and Facebook page. I need some homeschool moms with younger children and some with older children to respond to 20 quick and easy interview questions. If this is something you would like to participate in, please reply to this email and give me the ages of your children and if you are willing to offer some advice to other moms.

New Blog for Living a More Natural Life

Although my passion is homeschooling, I have expanded that vision to help even more moms live a natural and healthy life. I still have over 300 pages of content on my homeschool site and 17 videos on my youtube channel that give information and advice about homeschooling various ages and subjects. Now I also provide information about healthy living at my blog and facebook page

I hope you get a chance to check out all these resources. Feel free to let me know if there is something you would like to know about homeschooling or healthy living and I'll be glad to work on providing that for you. 

Have a great week!


P.S. PLEASE let me know what you need to know about homeschooling the most and I will gladly provide that for you in these emails.