News from Homeschool How To

Published: Mon, 08/01/16

Homeschool Resources and Ideas for You!


I hope your Summer is going well! We are deep into wedding planning here since one of our daughters is getting married in a month. Yikes! 

Since I have been working on our homeschool plan for the year, I thought I would share some resources with you. 

But first....                                              

Can you please fill out this quick survey? I have so many different age groups represented here that I would love to know where you are all coming from so I can provide the best help to you. Thank you SO much! I hope this will help me provide better service to you in the future. 

Homeschoolers on One Income - Savings Tips

Since most homeschoolers live on one income, I thought I would share some frugal ways to save on homeschool books and curriculum.

Those that choose to use free resources will spend more time than those that use paid resources. I have always been an advocate of buying used homeschool books because it is such a huge cost savings.

Some of my favorite sites include and facebook groups like  I have a few books and resources for sale there. 

If you are selling or buying homeschool books, here are my best tips for you. Selling and Buying...

One last tip - Here is a blog post I wrote called Simple Ways to Stretch Your Money. I hope it is helpful to you.

Want more updates not on email?

For those that would rather see more updates in real time, feel free to follow my facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram pages. This gives you a better glimpse into our lives and how we do things and gives you more opportunities to ask me questions. 

Let me know if you have any questions or if there is any information that you would like me to provide in the future. 

I hope you have a great week!



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Weight Loss Coffee - Change your energy level & your waistline by changing your first cup of coffee daily. After years of struggle, this is the ONLY program that works for me and it's SO easy. Full story here -

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