Fun Summer learning ideas for my homeschool mom friends

Published: Wed, 06/21/17

I hope all is going well at your house! I was thinking about how Summer gives us opportunities to learn, but in different ways. We love to garden, swim, do woodworking projects, see various sights, work outside, and much more. So I thought I would share a few things we do and give you some ideas to make your Summer more educational AND fun.

Here's an article I wrote about How to Grow a Successful Garden without Chemicals where I share my best garden tips. I hope you and your children are growing some things this summer, even if it's not a big garden.

Another fun thing to do in the Summer is experiment with new recipes. Since fruits and vegetables are more plentiful this time of year, I thought you might enjoy experimenting with my How to Make a Healthy Breakfast Smoothie recipe. 

Is there anything else you need from me in relation to homeschooling?? Just send a quick reply to this email and I'll do my best to provide your request in the future. Even a 1 word response would mean so much to me!


P.S. It's always been a passion of mine to help moms be able to earn money from home. My husband and I have been experimenting with an investment system (don't worry, we don't have much to invest either) and made over $400 our first 9 days! We're still learning about how all this works, but I made a simple fact sheet to share. So if you want more information on what we have found, just reply to this email and ask me to send you the fact sheet. 


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