What's New at Homeschool How To

Published: Tue, 07/18/17

I hope you are enjoying your Summer. Our Summer has been very full with wedding plans for one daughter and back-to-college plans for another daughter. Our son is working on learning how to drive and another daughter is starting to realize her dream of being a fashion designer working more hours designing for a sportswear company. You never know where homeschooling will take your children and it's exciting to watch it all unfold!

Here are a couple articles I wanted to share with you that I wrote recently:

The 9 Most Important Minutes in Your Day as a Parent - Obviously we need more than 9 minutes a day with our children, but I encourage you to read this and make these 9 minutes count each day. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this article.

Fun and Surprising Ways to Use Essential Oils this Summer - Here you'll find lots of fun recipes and easy tips on using oils to make this your healthiest year ever!

Take care of yourself momma and reply back to me here if there is anything you need to know about homeschooling that you're not able to find with a search at www.homeschool-how-to.com (there are over 300 pages about homeschooling there!). 



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