How every Homeschool Family can have a Successful Year

Published: Thu, 08/17/17

Whether you have your whole year planned or you have nothing planned, every homeschool mom can rock this next year! Here are my best tips for my readers from this veteran homeschool mom of 22 years. 

1. Pray - Have you prayed yet? Oftentimes we get stressed and fussed and forget to pray and let God guide us. He does a much better job of leading us than we can do on our own. Ask Him to help you. 

2. Smile at your children - You can have the most expensive and detailed curriculum available, but if your children can't stand being around you, all your efforts are in vain. Enjoy your children. Smile at them and be grateful for each of them and what they will teach you this year.

3. Love Languages and Learning Styles - If we're going to love our children anyways, why not love them well? The 5 Love Languages book has been so helpful for so many, so if you haven't seen it, I encourage you to read this book. They also have a 5 Love Languages of Children book, but the original book worked well for me.
If you're not sure how your children (over the age of 8) learn best, please check out Learning Styles and make your year easier by teaching in a way that your children can learn best.

4. One Step at a Time - With the whole year ahead of you, sometimes it feels daunting and huge, but if you put "one foot in front of the other" you will move towards your goals much faster. Take a deep breath and just take the first step. God did not call you to homeschooling to leave you hanging. He will be there right next to you the whole time!

5. Work Your List and Don't Try to Do TOO Much - One flaw of many of us homeschool moms is that we try to do too much. Whether we're over achievers or want to please or impress people, we just do more than we need to do at times. Make lists (only 3 items a day, though) and work your list. Do what you can with the time you have and don't worry about the rest. You might also enjoy my little ebook called Getting it All Done and Other Myths Women Believe.

Whew! I hope those tips are helpful for you. If you need more, please reply to this email and I'll do what I can to help you.

Feeling stressed and anxious? Check out my tips at The Best Bible Verses for Stress and Anxiety that Everyone Needs to Know

Not ready for Summer to be over yet? Here are some super simple things you can do with your kids that will help you enjoy Summer without spending a bunch of time or money.  Super Simple Summer Activities

Take care of yourself momma and reply back to me here if there is anything you need to know about homeschooling that you're not able to find with a search at (there are over 300 pages about homeschooling there!). 


PS - Moms Making Mon ey from Home - If you want to earn mon ey while homeschooling, just reply to this email and I'll share what we have been using that pays us every day using our own mon ey without having to sell anything to anyone. 


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