What's New at Homeschool How To - Free Science lesson too

Published: Wed, 09/06/17

I pray that you are off to a great start in homeschooling! Let me know if you're having trouble getting started and I'll do what I can to help you.

Many of us want to be healthier, but we all have homeschool work to do and don't think we can fit one more thing into our days. Why not combine the two and enlist your kids to help and learn in the process? 

How about making a Science lesson about the toxins in your home. Go around your cupboards and pull out what you're using and look up what's on the labels. With cleaning and personal care products, companies are not required to list everything on the label like with food products. Hopefully that will change in the future. Here are some quick Science ideas for you to pursue that your children might actually enjoy:
I hope those tips are helpful for you. If you need more, please reply to this email and I'll do what I can to help you.

Need to earn more?

Do you need to earn a little extra to help pay for homeschool books or way more than that? Here's access to how we are earning great mo ney without selling or spending tons of time. We are getting paid daily and would love to share with you how you can do exactly what we are doing too. 

Have a great week!



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