What's New at Homeschool How To - New Printable and my birthday!

Published: Tue, 09/26/17

Have you ever tried to help your children learn a new chore so that they do it without complaining? I have used this fr ee Chore Chart multiple times over the years to teach my children how to do their chores happily. I hope it helps you too. Feel free to download my chore chart and let me know what you think.

Also, today is my birthday and I'm giving you 50% off two of my popular ebooksHow to Homeschool Kindergarten and Getting it All Done and Other Myths Women Believe are both 50% off today only (9/26 until midnight). There are no coupon codes to enter. Just click the links for the $6.47 and $1.99 prices.

Need help with anything? Just reply to this email and I'll see what I can do to help you. 

Have a great week!



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