What's New at Homeschool How To

Published: Thu, 10/12/17

I hope you are enjoying the Fall weather wherever you live. As always, I have some more tips and ideas to share with you about homeschooling in the best way possible. 

Someone asked me to put together a good list of books that homeschool students could read that are not trash. So here you go:

Book List for Middle and High School Students (check below if you have little ones)

Christian Heroes: Then & Now - This is a great series of books about ordinary men and women who accomplished great things for God around the world. I believe there are 25 books in this series so it should keep your students busy for a while. 

The American Adventure Series - We own 28 of the books in this series but I think there are 48 in all. These books tell fictional stories all about American History. They are good compelling stories that teach history in an engaging way through stories.

Trailblazer Books - This is another great series of books featuring a great hero of the faith in each book. They also come in sets by category. My children loved these books too.

Books for Preschool through Elementary:

Some of our favorite Science picture books:

All Things Bright and Beautiful 
Do You Know the Difference? (wild animals)

Some of our favorite History picture books:
The Trojan Horse: How the Greeks Won the War
Moonwalk: The First Trip to the Moon
Leif the Lucky and all the books in this series! 

I'll share a few more of our favorite History and Science picture books next time.

If you're just getting started with homeschooling, I know you will enjoy 101 Ways to Make Preschool Fun and 101 MORE Ways to Make Preschool Fun along with How to Homeschool Kindergarten. These are ebooks written by me for you to make your homeschool journey a little easier. 

Take care of yourself momma and reply back to me here if there is anything you need to know about homeschooling that you're not able to find with a search at www.homeschool-how-to.com (there are over 300 pages about homeschooling there!). 



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