Watch Today..."Homeschooling with Sanity"

Published: Fri, 10/20/17

Have you heard of "Homeschooling with Sanity" and the Homeschool Teaching Summit yet? They have topics and subjects for all ages and all types of parents - anything you want to know will probably be covered here:

Sound familiar?

“I’m overwhelmed.”

“I don’t know how to balance teaching multiple ages.”

“I want to disciple my kids but I don’t know how.”

“I’m headed for burnout.”

Then this is for you: Register for the FREE Homeschool Teaching Summit (October 16-21) at and learn from the personable, down-to-earth video interviews how to balance discipling your children’s character with home education and so much more.

The Homeschool Teaching Summit this October 16-21 will bring you exclusive, Christ-centered parenting, encouragement, and homeschool-life-balance guidance from 25 top speakers—all for absolutely FREE, available anywhere online:

Get FREE access to wisdom and practical tools from speakers like Heidi St. John, Dr. Jeff Myers, Voddie Baucham, Mark Hamby, Rachael Carman, and 20+ more! The Homeschool Teaching Summit (October 16-21) will refresh your heart with encouragement, equip you with practical tools, and transform your vision for your family. Sign up now at

These interviews and videos will only be free for the day they are aired, but will be available for purchase after that. So be sure to watch them today!

Take care of yourself momma and reply back to me here if there is anything you need to know about homeschooling that you're not able to find with a search at (there are over 300 pages about homeschooling there!). 



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