What's New at Homeschool How To - Getting Stressed about the Holidays?

Published: Tue, 11/14/17

How is your week going? I had a couple of tips I wanted to share with you to help you on your homeschool journey, so here they are! 

If you're starting to get stressed about the holidays, please take a deep breath and rest.

I feel that we make WAY too much fuss about the holidays and forget to stop taking on so many projects. We think we are superhuman or something... 

This year strive to do less... Yes, you are allowed to do that! 

Now that you are giving yourself permission to do less, here is a simple blog post I wrote about decorating from just 1 box this year. Try it, you might like it. One year I hardly put up any Christmas decorations besides the tree and NO ONE NOTICED!

So I encourage you to focus on what's important like cooking meals, playing games, and looking into your family member's eyes and smiling.

In case you need some more tips, here they are: 

Schedule everything with Google Calendar so you see how much you are trying to fit into your day. Go to https://calendar.google.com and start scheduling your To Do list there. Use it for a few days and let me know what you think. If you don't get something done that day, just slide it to another day. It's SO liberating to now have paper to do lists everywhere with things scribbled out! 

Need more time management tips? Check out Getting it All Done and Other Myths Women Believe - This is one of my ebooks where I share all my best organizing and time management tips. If you're tired of not getting everything done or being disorganized, then this little book is for you!

Tired of cooking? Check out my post on How to Spend Less Time Cooking

I hope those tips are helpful for you. If you need more, please reply to this email and I'll do what I can to help you.

Have a great week!



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