4 Steps to Raising Christian Leaders in Your Home

Published: Fri, 01/07/22

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Kerry Beck here with another post from How To Homeschool My Child blog. 
Just click on this link and discover more about homeschooling.


    4 Steps to Raising Christian Leaders in Your Home - 2022-01-07 13:17:29-05



“Go Behind the Scenes”
4 Steps to
Raising Christian Leaders
in Your Home

Create and plan for 2022 so you follow God’s will and
become intentional in your home & homeschool.

Sign up above or read on . . . for more details.

As Christians we want our kids to grow up to follow Jesus and bring others into the kingdom. Almost all kids will be a leader at some level, especially as dads & moms. Will they be prepared?

4 steps to raising Christian Leaders in your home

In this Masterclass you’ll discover:

You’re about to see Your Home & Homeschool Change in a BIG Way

Whether you’re overwhelmed trying to balance your home, homeschool and marriage OR struggling to know if you’re doing enough for your children, this can be the turning point you’ve been waiting for.

Much has changed in the past couple years, but the basics of leadership education, raising your children to influence for Jesus remains the same.

Join me to get fully updated on what it takes to make the ultimate shift in your homeschool, so you raise your children with God’s purpose and they grow up to impact the world for Jesus.

This Masterclass is a
Must Attend if …

A Personal Invitation from Kerry

I homeschooled my 3 kids for ten years. I discovered what works & doesn’t work. Having a Masters in Education & Curriculum didn’t help me educate my own children. Walking daily with God & using His purpose for homeschooling helped me survive homeschooling & build lifelong relationships with my 3 adult children.

I let you know the bumps and the celebrations. Whether it’s sharing my spiritual battles or tips & tricks that worked for me to encourage my kids to learn for a lifetime, my desire is to help you.

Wherever you are right now, I will share what worked AND what didn’t work. I don’t live in an ivory tower. I live in the real world, just like you.

I made a huge shift in our homeschool half way through our ten years. This fresh masterclass is a culmination of EVERYTHING I learned as a homeschool mom, to raise my kids to glorify God, influence others for Jesus and walk in Godly character each & every day. Oh yeah…and teach my kids to “think critically & make wise decisions” in any subject area we were studying in our homeschool.

4 steps to raising Christian leaders in your home

If you’re committed to making this the year you finally hop off the conveyor belt (more on that in our masterclass) and make the necessary changes in your home & homeschool, I can’t wait to slash that learning curve & help you get their faster and more wisely.

See you there,

The post 4 Steps to Raising Christian Leaders in Your Home appeared first on How To Homeschool My Child.


Kerry Beck
