Giving Thanks Bible Study

Published: Fri, 11/04/22

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    Giving Thanks Bible Study - 2022-11-04 08:00:00-04


November is here and and an excellent reason to teach your kids through a giving thanks Bible study. I know that giving thanks to my Creator completely changes my perspective.

It’s also a great time to turn our hearts to God and thank HIM for all we have. Especially the ultimate gift: His Son, Jesus, at Christmas.

FREE Giving Thanks Bible Study for everyone

Giving thanks can change our perspective AND our kids’ perspective. So, let’s see what God has to say about thanksgiving and gratitude.

That’s one reason I created my Bible study on thanksgiving.

I don’t know about you, but I often found myself noticing my kids’ negative qualities … their selfishness. Thankfully, God was patient with me as He showed me that, not only are my kids selfish, but I have a selfish, complaining spirit. One of the best ways I found to overcome my selfishness is to take my eyes of my self and on to God … what God has given me.

This Sunday, I am teaching Kingdom Kids in our church. It’s the first time in years that I’ve taught kids. We decided to focus on giving thanks throughout November, so our memory verses are:

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

I Thessalonians 5:16-18

From now until Thanksgiving, why not memorize a Bible verse about thanksgiving as a family. Your kids can copy it on an index card to help them memorize it.

You can use these questions as a mini giving thanks Bible study. Be sure to scroll down to get our FREE Giving Thanks Bible Study that is more in-depth … one you can do as a family in November.

  1. What does God want us to do?
  2. When should we give thanks?
  3. Should you give thanks when your brother (sister) hits you? Or argues with you? Or use something that happens in your family.
  4. What is God’s will for you?
  5. How can we give thanks?

Each day at breakfast (or lunch or dinner), read the verses together and pray these verses for your family. Once your kids know the verse, let them say it aloud on their own. After reciting the verse, go around the table and let each person tell one thing they give thanks for.

FREE Giving Thanks Bible Study for everyone

Did you know there are over 2000 Bible verses about giving thanks?

If God speaks of giving thanks over 2000 times, I know it’s important to him … and to us. As I said earlier, I’ve created a free giving thanks Bible study that you can do as a family.

When you finish the thanksgiving Bible lesson, you might let each child choose their favorite of the verse to share at the Thanksgiving table.

FREE Giving Thanks Bible Study

Free Giving Thanks Bible Study for Families …prepare your kids to give thanks

Be sure to let your kids do this study with you. If you have older kids, let them work through the study on their own. Then, gather as a family once a week to discuss what God is teaching you.

As you finish the giving thanks Bible study, you’ll find a few follow-up questions so your family can apply the truths of gratitude. Let this simple Bible study be your Bible lessons in homeschooling from now until Thanksgiving … or even afterwards.

To get your FREE Bible Study on Thanksgiving, just enter your email below and we’ll send it to you immediately. When you sign up (above), you’ll also receive a link to Part 2 – A Short Study of Thanksgiving in Philippians. It’s another free Thanksgiving Bible study for you.


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If you want hands-on activities to help your kids grow in gratitude, check out our Giving Thanks Tool Kit.

Grand Prize Giveaway $256.87

PS. Be sure to enter our Grand Prize Giveaway ($256.87) and say thank you to our awesome sponsors for making 25 Days of Thanks possible. How can you say thank you?

Take a few moments and enter the giveaway with all the options on the form below.

I know there are lots of entries, but our sponsors spent their time and money to make this giveaway possible for you. So, take the time to enter each option listed. Besides, you’ll have a better chance of winning when you use all the entry options.

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The post Giving Thanks Bible Study appeared first on How To Homeschool My Child.


Kerry Beck


How To Homeschool My Child
Curriculum Connection
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