3 Easy Ways to Grow Gratitude in Your Family

Published: Thu, 11/10/22

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    3 Easy Ways to Grow Gratitude in Your Family - 2022-11-10 08:00:00-05


We all know we should grow gratitude to develop that trait in your family.  It’s a great way to build character in our kids, and help them see the good in the world. 

But… sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in doing all the things, especially during the holidays.  We may get so stressed out and busy that we forget to be grateful!   

When you grow gratitude, you feel less stressed and happier. You focus more on the good and life just feels better. 

3 Easy Ways to Grow Gratitude in Your Family

Here are 3 super easy ways to grow gratitude in your family:


1 – Grow Gratitude on a Gratitude Walk

There is just something about getting outside and into nature that helps you feel better about life.  As you look around you at glorious nature, you can start seeing many things to be grateful!

Go on a family gratitude walk, and count how many things everyone can say that you’re grateful for.  Can you get up to 100?  Or, talk a walk by yourself and notice how many things you can be grateful for. 

2 – Dinner Gratitude

When you sit down to dinner, start a new habit of dinner gratitude.  Have each member of the family express one thing they are grateful for that day.  

As you share the things you’re grateful for, it helps all the family members see more good in their lives. 

If you want to make this more fun, make a dinner gratitude tree.   Write what you’re grateful for on leaves and hang on your refrigerator.  (Assign a kid to cut them all out!) Get the free printable HERE. 

3 Easy Ways to Grow Gratitude in Your Family

3 – Grow Gratitude Out Loud 

I’d been practicing gratitude for a while by journaling about it, and I noticed a big difference in my attitude.  But then I realized that the rest of my family didn’t really know how grateful I was.

So I decided I’d practice expressing gratitude out loud at least once a day, outside of dinner gratitude time.   If I thought of something during the day, I would say it out loud to my kids or husband.   “Wow, I’m so grateful for thoughtful kids!”  or “You know, we live in a beautiful place.  I’m so grateful to live near the mountains.”   By having this goal to express it out loud, I had to pay more attention!  

These are super simple things you can do with no extra preparation.  I hope you give some of them a try! 

I’m really grateful that I get to homeschool my kids and lead them on their own journeys.   I’m grateful to have learned that there is actually a pattern for their journey, so I can better guide them.  What are you grateful for today? 

You can get the 6 Simple Power Habits for Homeschool Moms by leaving your name & email. We’ll zip it on over to your inbox.

Molly Christensen is a joyful mother of 7 amazing children.   She earned her degree in mechanical engineering, and since then, she has found great passion in being a mother and homeschooling for the past 20 years.  She has founded multiple homeschool co-ops, written mounds of curriculum, taught classes to youth & adults.  She is the owner of Building Heroes Academy, which offers a new way to educate and raise leaders in your home.  She is the author of “How to Get Everything (Important) Done.”  She is passionate about sharing her love of learning and encouraging others on their journeys to greatness!

Building Heroes at Home Blog: https://buildingheroesathome.com/blog/
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Building Heroes at Home Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/buildingheroesathome/

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The post 3 Easy Ways to Grow Gratitude in Your Family appeared first on How To Homeschool My Child.


Kerry Beck


How To Homeschool My Child
Curriculum Connection
Box 4348, Bryan, TX 77805, USA

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