Benefits of Teaching Gratitude to Children

Published: Sat, 11/12/22

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    Benefits of Teaching Gratitude to Children - 2022-11-12 08:00:00-05


Gratefulness is a quality that we often take for granted, but it’s one that can make a world of difference in our lives. Research has shown that grateful people are more likely to be happy and have better physical health. They also sleep better, have higher self-esteem, and are more likely to help others. So, how can you start teaching gratitude to children today?

benefits of teaching gratitude by example

How You Can be Teaching Gratitude to Children

1. Lead by example.

The best way to teach your child anything is by setting the example yourself. If you want your child to be grateful, show them what it looks like in your own life. Thank people when they do something kind for you. Be generous with your time and talents. And don’t forget to express gratitude to your child—let them know how lucky you feel to be their parent!

2. Get them involved in giving back.

There are many opportunities for kids to get involved in giving back to the community, whether it’s through volunteering at a local food bank, animal shelter or collecting items for a school supply drive. Getting children involved in giving back at an early age will help them understand the importance of being grateful for what they have and wanting to help those who are less fortunate.

benefits of teaching gratitude to children

3. Help them keep a gratitude journal.

A gratitude journal is simply a place where your child can write down things they’re thankful for each day. It can be as simple as a notebook or piece of paper where they jot down a few things before bed each night, or you can purchase a special journal specifically for this purpose. Either way, taking the time to reflect on the positive things in their life will help your child develop an attitude of gratitude.

4. Let your children experience hardships.

It may seem counterintuitive, but another great way to teach gratefulness is to let your child experience hardships. When everything is going right in life, it’s easy to take things for granted. But when things go wrong, it’s natural to start feeling grateful for the good things we do have. So, while you obviously don’t want your child to suffer, it’s important that they understand that not every day is perfect and that’s okay. It’s through these hardships that they’ll start to truly appreciate the good moments in life—and be grateful for them. 

Teaching Gratitude to Children Benefits

In closing, teaching gratitude to children has many benefits—for them and for you! Leading by example, getting involved in giving back, helping them keep a gratitude journal, and allowing them to experience some hardships are all great ways to start instilling this important quality in your little one’s life.

If you enjoyed reading this article, then here are a few more articles that you might enjoy reading: How to Raise a Grateful Child, Does My Child Need Speech Therapy?, and What Does High Functioning Autism Mean?

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Kerry Beck


How To Homeschool My Child
Curriculum Connection
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